Toma de Posesión como Académico de Honor del Excmo. Sr. D. Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte

El día 11 de mayo de 2016 a las 19,00 horas la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia tuvo el honor de celebrar la Sesión Solemne de Toma de Posesión como Académico de Honor del Excmo. Sr. D. Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, Proffesor The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, California, USA quien pronunció su discurso titulado: “Trasplante de Órganos y Células Madre: ¿Realidad o Quimera?”. Fue presentado por el Académico de Número de la RANF, Excmo. Sr. D. Rafael Sentandreu Ramón.
Personal Information:
Name: Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte
Address: The Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Gene Expression Laboratory
10010 North Torrey Pines Road
La Jolla, CA 92037-1099
Telephone: (858) 453-4100, Extension 1130
Fax: (858) 453-2573
Date of Birth: December 16, 1960
Place of Birth: Hellín, Spain
1980-1985 University of Valencia, Spain. M. Sc. (Honors). Pharmacy
1985-1987 University of Bologna, Italy and University of Valencia, Spain
Ph.D. Graduate Student. Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Prof. José Cabo
1987-1988 University of Marburg, Germany. Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Miguel Beato
1988-1991 European Molecular Biology Laboratories (EMBL). Heidelberg, Germany, Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Denis Duboule
1988-1991 University College, London. London, England, Visiting Fellow, Prof. Lewis Wolpert
1988-1991 Oxford University. Oxford, England, Visiting Fellow, Prof. Claudio Stern
1992-1993 University of California, Los Angeles, USA. Postdoctoral Fellow,
Prof. Eddy De Robertis
1993-1998 The Salk Institute, San Diego, USA. Assistant Professor
1993- University of California, San Diego, USA. Adjunct Professor
1998- 2000 The Salk Institute, San Diego, USA. Associate Professor
2000- The Salk Institute, San Diego, USA. Professor
2005-2013 Center of Regenerative Medicine, Barcelona, Director
Scientific Interests:
Dr. Izpisua Belmonte’s area of research is focused on the understanding of stem cell biology, organ and tissue development and regeneration. His observations include uncovering the role of some homeobox genes in limb patterning and specification, as well as the identification of the molecular mechanisms that determine how the different cell type precursors of internal organs are organized spatially along the embryonic body axes. During the last few years he has made seminal discoveries in the field of tissue and organ regeneration, the differentiation of human stem cells into various tissues, and the molecular basis underlying aging and somatic cell reprogramming and (epi)genetic editing. These observations may help towards the discovery of new molecules as well as specific cell based treatments for a wide variety of diseases afflicting mankind.
Honors and Awards:
1980-1985 “Premio Extraordinario”. Distinction Medal to the top student of the 1980
generation. University of Valencia. Spain
1987 “Giuseppe Plancher” Award Colegio de España, Italy
1996 Basil O’Connor Research Scholar Award
1996 Pew Scholar Award
1997 President William Clinton Career Award
1998 Catedra Banco Bilbao/Vizcaya. Spanish Visiting Professor Award
1999 Catedra Iberdrola. Spanish Visiting Professor Award
1999 National Science Foundation Creativity Award
2000 Research Professor. Spanish Research Council. CSIC
2000 American Heart Association Established Investigator Award
2001 Faculty of 1000
2004 Naming of “Izpisua Belmonte” High School Hellin, Albacete
2006 Gold Medal of Castilla-La Mancha
2006 Medal from the Spanish College of Pharmacy
2009 Honorary Doctorate from University of Granada
2009 Elected Member to the Catalonian Royal Academy of Doctors
2010 Ellison Medical Foundation Senior Scholar Award
2011 Roger Guillemin Nobel Chair
2011 Académico de Honor de la Academia de Farmacia Santa María de España de la Región de Murcia
2012 Doctor Benepres Honor Prize
2014 Honorary Member of the Spanish Society of Transplantation (SET)
2014 Honorary Doctorate from Universidad Catolica de Murcia
2014 Honorary Professor of the Universidad Catolica de Murcia
2014 Premio La Tribuna of Albacete
2015 Medal of the Transplant Society of Catalonia
2015 Premio Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica 2015 FCCR
2015 Honorary Academic Member of the Real Academia de Medicina y Cirugía de la Región de Murcia
2016 Pew Scholars National Advisory Committee
Scientific Activities
Scientific Journal Editorial Board Member
Advances in Regenerative Biology
American Journal of Stem Cells
BMC Developmental Biology
Cell Discovery
Cell Research
Current Stem Cell Reports
Developmental Biology
Development Genes & Evolution
Development Growth and Differentiation
Elsevier Journals
International Journal of Clinical Cardiology
International Journal of Developmental Biology
ISRN Developmental Biology
Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology
Journal of Medical Sciences
Medical Sciences
OA Biotechnology
Protein & Cell
Stem Cell Reports
Stem Cell Research
Stem Cell Research and Therapy
World Research Journal of Developmental Biology
World Research Journal of Stem Cells
World Research Journal of Transactions on Database Systems
Scientific Grant Reviews
CDRF Global
European Commission
French National Research Agency
Human Frontier Science Program Organization
India Alliance
Israel Science Foundation
Medical Research Council
Vidi Programme
Wellcome Trust Centre
And others
Journal Reviews
Biotechnology Journal
BMC Biology
BMC Cancer
BMC Cell Biology
BMC Developmental Biology
BMC Genomics
Cardiovascular Research
Cell Metabolism
Cell Proliferation
Cell Reports
Cell Research
Cell Stem Cell
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Current Biology
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development
Development, Genes and Evolution
Development, Growth and Differentiation
Developmental Biology
Developmental Cell
Developmental Dynamics
Disease Models & Mechanisms
EMBO Journal
EMBO Reports
Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine
FASEB Journal
Genes & Development
Genome Biology
Heart and Vessels
Human Molecular Genetics
Human Reproduction
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
International Journal of Developmental Biology
ISRN Developmental Biology
Journal of Cell Biology
Journal of Cell Science
Journal of Clinical Investigation
Journal of Experimental Medicine
Journal of Molecular Medicine
Journal of Neurological Sciences
Journal of Neuroscience
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Journal of Vascular Research
Journal of Visualized Experiments
Liver International
Mechanisms of Development
Molecular Human Reproduction
Molecular Systems Biology
Molecular Therapy
Nature Biotechnology
Nature Cell Biology
Nature Communications
Nature Genetics
Nature Medicine
Nature Methods
Nature Protocols
Nature Reviews Cancer
Nature Reviews Genetics
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology
PLoS Biology
PLoS Genetics
Science Translational Medicine
Stem Cells
Stem Cells and Development
Stem Cell Reports
Stem Cell Research
Stem Cell Research and Therapy
Tissue Engineering
Trends in Genetics
Trends in Molecular Medicine
Trends in Pharmacological Science
WIRES Developmental Biology
Wound Repair and Regeneration
And others
Organizer and/or Invited Meeting Speaker (Last 5 Years)
American Society of Gene Therapy (ASGT) 12th Annual Meeting. Generation of disease-free hematopoietic progenitors from Fanconi anemia-specific induced pluripotent stem cells. San Diego, California, USA
Sixth International Symposium on Stem Cell Therapy and Cardiovascular Innovations. What’s new on heart tissue reengineering? Madrid, Spain
The Embryo In Europe. Efficient and rapid generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from human keratinocytes. Barcelona, Spain
Organizer. International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) 7th Annual Meeting. The p53 pathway as a guardian against reprogramming. Barcelona, Spain
Encuentros Celgene de Investigacion en Cancer. Celulas Madre: Capacidad Regenerativa y Terapeutica. Madrid, Spain
Colegio Oficial Farmaceuticos Alicante. Practical Applications of Regenerative Medicine. Alicante, Spain
NHLBI Symposium on Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine. Zebrafish heart regeneration occurs by limited dedifferentiation and proliferation of cardiomyocytes. Bethesda, Maryland, USA
1st International Symposium on Translational Regenerative Medicine. Translational Regenerative Medicine. Vitoria-Gastiez, Spain
4th Annual Stem Cell Meeting on the Mesa. La Jolla, California, USA
Seventh International Symposium on Stem Cell Therapy and Applied Cardiovascular Biotechnology. Madrid, Spain
8th Annual International Cord Blood Symposium. San Francisco, California, USA
Keystone Symposium on Stem Cell Differentiation and Dedifferentiation. Keystone, Colorado, USA
Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference iPS Cells: From Screening to Therapy. San Francisco, USA.
25th National Congress of Sociedad Española de Medicina y Estética (SEME). Barcelona, Spain
International University of Menendez Pelayo. Embryo Left-Right Asymmetry, Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine. Santander, Spain.
IPSEN Life Science Program. Insights into Regenerative Medicine. Paris, France.
The EMBO Meeting 2010. Barcelona, Spain.
Keynote Speaker. European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT) XVIII Annual Congress. Milan, Italy.
Translational Research and Clinical Practice. Dedifferentiation, transdifferentiation and reprogramming: three routes to regeneration. Milan, Italy.
AACR Stem Cells, Development and Cancer. Human Aging and Stem Cells. Vancouver, Canada.
Keystone Symposia on Stem Cells in Development, Tissue Homeostasis and Disease. Recapitulation of premature ageing with iPSCs from Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
Keystone Symposia on Mechanisms of Cardiac Growth, Death and Regeneration. Zebrafish heart regeneration occurs by cardiomyocyte dedifferentiation and proliferation. Keystone, Colorado, USA
Therapeutic Approaches to Neurodegeneration-Age Modifiers, Proteostasis, and Stem Cells. Recapitulation of premature ageing with iPSCs from Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome. Nassau, Bahamas.
Wilhelm Johansen Symposium: the impact of deep sequencing on the gene, genotype and phenotype concepts. Stem Cell Models. Copenhagen, Denmark.
6th International Meeting of the Stem Cell Network NRW. Recapitulation of premature ageing with iPSCs from Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome. Essen, Germany.
37th Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Hematopoiesis through iPS reprogramming and transdifferentiation. Paris, France.
6th Annual Wisconsin Stem Cell Symposium. Recapitulation of premature ageing with iPSCs from Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome. Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
21st Regional Congress of the ISBT. Human cord blood reprogrammed into embryonic-like stem cells. Lisbon, Portugal.
7th Annual Stem Cell Symposium at UCLA. Transdetermination of human mesenchymal stem cells into hematopoietic stem cells. Los Angeles, California, USA.
2011 BMT Tandem Meetings. Reprogramming of Fanconi Anemia and Other Human Diseases. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Fourth Edition of the French-American Biotech Symposium (FABS) on New Therapeutic Approaches of Aging. Recapitulation of premature ageing with iPSCs from Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome. San Francisco, California, USA.
3rd International Collaborative Symposium on Stem Cell Research. Recapitulation of premature ageing with iPSCs from Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome. Seoul, Korea.
22nd Congress of the SETS (Spanish Society of Blood Transfusion and Cellular Therapy). Malaga, Spain.
CNIO Recapturing Pluripotency: Links between Cellular Reprogramming and Cancer. Madrid, Spain.
Advances in Stem Cell Science. Stem Cells and Aging. La Jolla, California, USA.
2012 Buck Symposium on Stem Cell Research and Aging. Generation and Correction of Laminopathy-Associated LMNA Mutations in Patient Specific iPSCs. Novato, California, USA.
Qatar International Conference on Stem Cell Science and Policy. Opportunities and Challenges for Stem Cell Research. Doha, Qatar.
Programmed Cells from Basic Neuroscience to Therapy. ES and iPS cells as tools for modeling human aging. Paris, France.
Seminar at Osaka University. Diseases in a dish: modeling human genetic disorders using induced pluripotent cells. Osaka, Japan.
Seminar at Kyoto University. Diseases in a dish: modeling human genetic disorders using induced pluripotent cells. Kyoto, Japan.
The 49th Annual Meeting of Japanese society of Molecular Medicine. Stem Cells and Aging. Kyoto, Japan.
Biomedicum Helsinki Seminar. Helsinki, Finland.
ICGEB Conference “Frontiers in Cardiac and Vascular Regeneration.” Trieste, Italy.
II Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Trasplante. Madrid, Spain.
XVIII International Course Clinica Planas. Advances in Regenerative Medicine. Barcelona, Spain.
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Insights into the mechanisms underlying vertebrate cardiovascular regeneration. Sao Paulo, Brazil.
VII Brazilian Congress on Stem Cells and Cell Therapy. iPS Cells and Aging. Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Genetics and Genomics of Vascular Disease 2012 Meeting. Direct generation of vascular progenitors for the treatment of disease. Asilomar, USA.
2012 UNIST Symposium. Diseases in a Dish: modeling human genetic disorders using induced pluripotent cells. Busan, Korea.
2012 UCSD Institute of Genomic Medicine Symposium. Stem cells as a promising vehicle for gene-therapy. La Jolla, USA.
Keynote Speaker. 5th Annual USC Stem Cell and Developmental Biology Retreat. Irvine, USA.
Wellcome Trust Rare Disease Workshop. London, UK.
2013 Arnold and Mabel Beckman Conference on Atrophic Macular Degeneration. Irvine, USA.
Keynote Speaker. Proyecto BioBizi de Investigación Sanitaria. Advances in Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine. Bilbao, Spain.
Keynote Speaker. British Society for Gene and Cell Therapy (BSGCT) 2013. Engineering human somatic and stem cells for cell therapy. London, UK.
Keynote Speaker. New Frontiers in Molecular and Cellular Therapy. Strategies for organ and tissue regeneration. Genoa, Italy.
NIEHS Symposium on Unlocking the Promise of Stem Cells. Stem Cells and Heart Regeneration. Research Triangle Park, USA.
2012 Progeria Research Foundation Workshop. Bethesda, USA.
Keynote Speaker. 2013 Inaugural Annual Collaborative Conference, Frontiers in Cell Reprogramming. Reprogramming and iPSC. Brisbane, Australia.
Keynote Speaker. Dedifferentiation, transdifferentiation and reprogramming: paths towards tissue and organ regeneration. Beijing, China.
10th International Symposium on Stem Cell Therapy and Cardiovascular Innovations. Cardiovascular applications of iPSCs. Madrid, Spain.
Keynote Speaker. I Encuentro Hispano-Luso VIVE. Lisbon, Portugal.
18th Congress of the European Hematology Association. Stem Cells – iPS generation to study hematopoietic malignancies. Stockholm, Sweden.
Keynote Speaker. Roche Cardiovascular and Metabolism Stem Cell Symposium. Reprogramming injury and disease. The many faces of stem cells. Boston, USA.
2013 Gordon Conference on Tissue Repair and Regeneration. Reprogramming towards Heart Regeneration: Stem Cells and Beyond. New London, USA.
CIRM Mini-Symposium on Hematopoietic Stem Cells. San Francisco, USA.
X Congreso AECOM. Celulas Madre y Medicina Regeneratvia. Barcelona, Spain.
12th International Congress of Inborn Errors of Metabolism. Update on Cellular Models. Barcelona, Spain.
The 5th International Stem Cell Meeting. Driving heart repair by promoting a regeneration-competent state. Jerusalem, Israel.
7th Stem Cell Clonality and Genome Stability Retreat. Fanconi Anemia and iPSCs. Madrid, Spain.
European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy 2013 Annual Meeting. Human Gene Editing for Stem Cell Based Therapy. Madrid, Spain.
Development, Diseases and Evolution of Endocrine Organs. Mont Ste Odile, France.
Advances in Geroscience Summit. Can stem cell models provide new insights on the mechanisms of human aging? Bethesda, USA.
Keynote Speaker. 1st Annual Conference of the German Stem Cell Network. Driving heart repair by promoting a regeneration‐competent state. Berlin, Germany.
Cell Symposia: Using Stem Cells to Model and Treat Human Disease. Driving heart repair by promoting a regeneration‐competent state. Los Angeles, USA.
International Coordination for Large Scale iPSCs Initiatives retreat. Cambridge, United Kingdom
Epigenetic Control and Cellular Plasticity. Driving heart repair by promoting a regeneration‐competent state. Irvine, USA.
The 7th Takeda Science Foundation Symposim on PharmaSciences, iPS Cells in Drug Discovery and Development. Reprogramming Technologies and Regenerative Medicine. Osaka, Japan.
29th Congress of the Spanish National Society of Medicine. Stem Cells and the Future of Regenerative Medicine. Malaga, Spain.
2014 Annual Meeting of the Society for Inherited Metabolic Disorders. Human iPSC: Promise for Diagnosis, Modeling, Drug Screening and Cell Based Therapies for IEMs. Asilomar, USA.
Glenn Laboratories for the Biology of Aging at Stanford Frontiers in Aging Seminar Series. Modeling of human aging diseases using iPS cell technology. Stanford, USA.
40th annual meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Reprogramming technologies for a better understanding and treatment of human diseases. Milan, Italy.
11th Symposium on Stem Cell Therapy and Cardiovascular Innovations. The revolution of human organ manufacturing. Will we use pigs as factories of human organs? Madrid, Spain.
XXXIX AIEOP National Congress. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell in Fanconi Anemia. Genoa, Italy.
3rd Congress of the Spanish Society of Transplantation. Regeneration, Pluripotent Cells and Organ Transplantation. Valencia, Spain.
Biology of Aging Colloquium. Woods Hole, USA.
Atherosclerosis Update Forum 2014. Regenerative Strategies in Cardiovascular Medicine. Tokyo, Japan.
25th European Organ Donation Congress. Regenerative Medicine in solid organ transplantation: present and future. Budapest, Hungary.
Organizer. IX Stem Cell Meeting on the Mesa. La Jolla, USA.
Organizer. Stem Cells and Immunity. Tenerife, Spain.
ASN Kidney Week, Advances in Research Conference—Building a Kidney: From Stem Cells to Function. IPS Cells toward Nephron Progenitors: What Is Next. Philadelphia, USA.
ASN Kidney Week, Annual Meeting: Basic & Clinical Science Symposia. Renewable Nephron Progenitors from iPS Cells. Philadelphia, USA.
Functional Analysis & Screening Technologies Congress. Boston, USA.
Cell Symposia: Stem Cell Energetics. Regenerative medicine and mitochondrial diseases: cure and prevention. San Francisco, USA.
Lowe Syndrome Symposium. In Vitro and In Vivo Strategies in Regenerative Medicine. London, England.
Molecular Medicine Tri-Con: New Frontiers in Gene Editing. Preventing transmission of mitochondrial diseases by germline heteroplasmic shift using TALENs. San Francisco, USA.
Stem Cells, Cancer, Immunology and Aging Congress. In Vitro and In Vivo Strategies in Regenerative Medicine. Genoa, Italy.
Kyoto University International Symposium. In Vivo and In Vitro Regenerative Medicine Strategies. Kyoto, Japan
Invited Seminar Speaker. Peking University. In Vivo and In Vitro Regenerative Medicine Strategies. Beijing, China
Invited Seminar Speaker. UCLA Broad Stem Cell Institute. In Vivo and In Vitro Strategies in Regenerative Medicine. Los Angeles, USA
2015 American Transplant Congress. Blastocyst Complementation to Develop Chimeric Abdominal Organs. Philadelphia, USA.
Invited Speaker. IGMM Seminar Series. In vitro and in vivo strategies in regenerative medicine. Edinburgh, UK.
12th International Symposium on Stem Cell Therapy and Cardiovascular Innovations. Interspecies manipulation for organ manufacturing. What about the heart? Madrid, Spain.
52nd ERA-EDTA Congress. In vivo and in vitro regenerating organ and tissue strategies. London, UK.
Invited Seminar Speaker. Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute Frontiers in Heart Research Seminar Series. In Vitro and In Vivo Regenerative Medicine Approaches. Los Angeles, USA
Keynote Speaker. Stem Cells of the Skin: Target and Cure for Disease. Tissue and Organ Generation from Pluripotent Stem Cells. Santander, Spain
112th International Titisee Conference. In Vivo Strategies for Regenerative Medicine. Titisee, Germany
XLV Congreso S.E.N. 2015. Medicina regenerativa: del laboratorio a la clínica. Valencia, Spain
Plasticity in Biology. Blastocyst Complementation as an In Vivo Strategy for Cell Differentiation. La Jolla, USA
American Society of Nephrology, Kidney Week. Gene Editing for Organ Regeneration. San Diego, USA
The Nuclear Lamina in Health and Disease. A Werner syndrome stem cell model unveils heterochromatin alterations as a driver of human aging. Baeza, Spain
60th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy. Valencia, Spain
Theories of Aging: a Translational Perspective Workshop. Baltimore, USA
NAS Human Gene Editing Committee Meeting. Bethesda, USA
CIRM Human Genome Editing Workshop. Los Angeles, USA
University of Washington’s Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (ISCRM) 9th Annual Stem Cell Symposium. Interspecies Chimera Complementation for the Generation of Functional Human Organs. Seattle, USA
2nd Annual University of California, San Diego-Kyoto University Joint Symposium. Crossing xeno-barriers: the hidden dimension of distinct flavors of pluripotency. La Jolla, USA
Involvement of Wnts in Disease Limb Initiation and Left-Right Axis in Determination
Tissue and Organ Positioning Proteins and Use Thereof
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Methods of Use
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Generation Using Two Factors and p53 Inactivation
Generation of Genetically Corrected Disease-free Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Cord Blood
Generation of Mouse Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells by Transient Expression of a Single Non-Viral Polycistronic Vector
Direct Transgeneration of Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells from Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Methods of Use
Robust and Efficient Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells to Multipotent Vascular Progenitors
Progressive Degeneration of Human Neural Stem Cells Caused By Pathogenic LRRK2
Cord Blood-derived Neurons by Expression of SOX2
Generation of Vascular Progenitor Cells
Methods for Reprogramming a Somatic Cell
Activin/BMP-2 Chimeric Ligands Direct Adipose-Derived Stem Cells to Chondrogenic Differentiation
Methods for Heart Regeneration
Systems and Methods for Culturing Nephron Progenitor Cells
Mammalian Chimeric Complementation- Application in Progress
Research Papers:
1. Lipid composition, fluidity and enzymatic activities of rat liver plasma and mitochondrial membranes in dietary obese rats.
Izpisua JC, Barber T, Cabo J, Hrelia S, Rossi CA, Parenti Castelli G, Lercker G, Biagi PL, Bordoni A, Lenaz G.
Int. J. Obesity (1989) 13:531-542.
2. Effect of a hyperlipidic diet on lipid composition, fluidity, and Na+-K+-ATPase activity of rat erythrocyte membranes.
Bordoni A, Biagi PL, Parenti Castelli G, Hrelia S, Rossi CA, Lercker G, Izpisua JC, Barber T, Cabo J, a Lenaz G.
Membrane Biochem. (1989) 8:11-18.
3. Coordinate expression of the murine Hox-5 complex homeobox-containing genes during limb pattern formation.
Dollé, P., Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., Falkenstein, H., Renucci, A. and Duboule, D.
Nature (1989) 342:767-772.
4. Primary structure and embryonic expression pattern of the mouse Hox-4.3 homeobox gene.
Izpisua-Belmonte, J.C., Dollé, P., Renucci, A., Zappavigna, V., Falkenstein, H. and Duboule, D.
Development (1990) 110:733-745.
5. Expression of the homeobox Hox-4 genes and the specification of position in chick wing development.
Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Tickle, C., Dollé, P., Wolpert, L. and Duboule, D.
Nature (1991) 350:585-589.
6. Murine genes related to the Drosophila AbdB homeotic genes are sequentially expressed during development of the posterior part of the body.
Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Falkenstein, H., Dollé, P., Renucci, A. and Duboule, D.
EMBO J. (1991) 10:2279-2289.
7. HOX4 genes encode transcription factors with potential auto- and cross-regulatory capacities.
Zappavigna, V., Renucci, A., Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., Urier, G., Peschle, C. and Duboule, D.
EMBO J. (1991) 10:4177-4187.
8. HOX-4 genes and the morphogenesis of mammalian genitalia.
Dollé, P., Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., Brown, J., Tickle, C. and Duboule, D.
Genes Dev. (1991) 5:1767-1776.
9. The Hox-4.8 gene is localized at the 5’ extremity of the HOX-4 complex and is expressed at the posterior end of the body during development.
Dollé, P., Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., Boncinelli, E. and Duboule, D.
Mech. Dev. (1991) 36(1-2):3-13.
10. HOX-4 genes and the molecular basis of vertebrate limb pattern formation.
Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., Tickle, C., Dollé, P. and Duboule, D.
Seminars in Dev. Biol. (1991) 2:385-391.
11. The misexpression of posterior HOX-4 genes in talpid (ta3) mutant wings correlates with the absence of anteroposterior polarity.
Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., Ede, D., Tickle, C. and Duboule, D.
Development (1992) 114:959-963.
12. Expression of HOX-4 genes in the chick wing links pattern formation to the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that mediate growth.
Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Brown, J.M., Duboule, D. and Tickle, C.
EMBO J. (1992) 11:1451-1457.
13. Comparison of mouse and human HOX-4 complexes defines conserved sequences involved in the regulation of Hox-4.4.
Renucci, A., Zappavigna, V., Zakany, J., Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., Bürki, K. and Duboule, D.
EMBO J. (1992) 11:1459-1468.
14. HOX-4 gene expression in mouse/chicken heterospecific grafts of signaling regions to limb buds reveals similarities in patterning mechanisms.
Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., Brown, J. M., Crawley, D., Duboule, D. and Tickle, C.
Development (1992) 115:553-560.
15. The murine even-skipped-like gene Evx-2 is closely linked to the Hox-4 complex, but is transcribed in the opposite direction.
Bastian, H., Gruss, P., Duboule, D. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Mammalian Genome (1992) 3:241-243.
16. Homeobox genes and pattern formation in the vertebrate limb.
Izpisua-Belmonte, J. C. and Duboule, D.
Dev. Biol. (1992) 152:26-36.
17. Targeted misexpression of Hox-4.6 in the avian limb bud causes apparent homeotic transformations.
Morgan, B., Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., Duboule, D. and Tabin C.
Nature (1992) 358:236-239.
18. The homeobox gene goosecoid and the origin of organizer cells in the early chick blastoderm.
Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., De Robertis, E., Storey, K. and Stern, C.
Cell (1993) 74:645-659.
19. Hox genes and the morphogenesis of the vertebrate limb.
Dollé, P., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Brown, J., Tickle, C. and Duboule, D.
Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. (1993) 383A:11-20.
20. Reconstruction from serial sections: a tool for developmental biology. Application to Hox genes expression in chicken wing buds.
Olivo, J., Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., Tickle, C., Boulin, C. and Duboule, D.
BioImaging (1993) 1:115-158.
21. Expression of the zebrafish gene hlx-1 in the prechordal plate and during CNS development.
Fjose, A., Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., Fromental, C. and Duboule, D.
Development (1994) 120:71-81.
22. Expression of genes encoding bone morphogenetic proteins and sonic hedgehog in Talpid (ta3) limb buds: their relationships in the signaling cascade involved in limb patterning.
Francis-West, P. H., Robertson, K., Ede, D. A., Rodriguez, C., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Houston, B., Burt, D. W., Gribbin, C., Brickell, P. M. and Tickle, C.
Dev. Dynamics (1995) 203:187-197.
23. Fibroblast Growth Factors induce additional limb development from the flank of chick embryos.
Cohn, M., Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., Abud, H., Heath, J. K. and Tickle, C.
Cell (1995) 80:739-746.
24. Mouse embryos lacking RXRaare resistant to retinoic-acid-induced limb defects.
Sucov, H., Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., Gañan, Y. and Evans R.
Development (1995) 121:3997-4003.
25. Gene expression, polarizing activity and skeletal patterning in reaggregated hind limb mesenchyme.
Hardy, A., Richardson, M. K., Philippa, H., Francis-West, P. H., Rodriguez, C., Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., Duprez, D. and Wolpert, L.
Development (1995) 121:4329-4337.
26. Dorsal cell fate specified by chick Lmx1 during vertebrate limb development.
Vogel, A., Rodriguez, C., Warnken W. and Izpisua Belmonte, J. C.
Nature (1995) 378:716-720.
27. Evidence that Shh cooperates with a retinoic acid inducible co-factor to establish ZPA-like activity.
Ogura, T., Alvarez, S., Vogel, A., Rodriguez, C., Evans, R. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Development (1996) 122:537-542.
28. Teleost HoxD and HoxA genes: comparison with tetrapods and functional evolution of the HOXD complex.
Van der Hoeven, F., Sordino, P., Fraudeau, N., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Duboule, D.
Mech. Dev. (1996) 54:9-21.
29. Involvement of FGF-8 in initiation, outgrowth, and patterning of the vertebrate limb.
Vogel, A., Rodriguez, C. and Izpisua Belmonte, J. C.
Development (1996) 122:1737-1750.
30. The limb field mesoderm determines initial limb bud anteroposterior asymmetry and budding independent of sonic hedgehog or apical ectodermal gene expressions.
Ros, M., Lopez Martinez, A., Simandl, B. K., Rodriguez, C., Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., Dahn, R. and Fallon, J.
Development (1996) 122:2319-2330.
31. Shh, HoxD, Bmp-2, and Fgf-4 gene expression during development of the polydactylous talpid2, diplopodia1, and diplopodia4 mutant chick limb buds.
Rodriguez, C., Kos, R., Macias, D., Abbott, U. K. and Izpisua Belmonte, J. C.
Dev. Genetics (1996) 19:26-32.
32. Radical fringe positions the apical ectodermal ridge at the dorsoventral boundary of the vertebrate limb.
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33. Segregating expression domains of two goosecoid genes during the transition from gastrulation to neurulation in chick embryos.
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34. Crescent, a novel chick gene encoding a Frizzled-like Cysteine-Rich Domain, is expressed in anterior regions during early embryogenesis.
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35. Outgrowth and patterning of the vertebrate limb.
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36. Goosecoid misexpression alters the morphology and Hox gene expression of the developing chick limb bud.
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37. Role of Rel/NF-KB transcription factors during the outgrowth of the vertebrate limb.
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38. Molecular architecture of the vertebrate limb.
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39. Distinct WNT pathways regulating AER formation and dorsoventral polarity in the chick limb bud.
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40. Tbx genes and limb identity in chick embryo development.
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41. Limbs are moving…where are they going?
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42. Pitx2 determines left-right asymmetry of internal organs in vertebrates.
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43. Lhx2, a vertebrate homologue of apterous, regulates vertebrate limb outgrowth.
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44. The role of Alx-4 in the establishment of anteroposterior polarity during vertebrate limb outgrowth.
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45. Outgrowth and patterning of the vertebrate limb. Molecular and cellular basis of pattern formation during vertebrate limb development.
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46. Sonic Hedgehog (shh) expression in developing and regenerating Axolotl limbs.
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47. Role of the Bicoid-related homeodomain factor Pitx1 in specifying hindlimb morphogenesis and pituitary development.
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48. Spatially and temporally-restricted expression of two T-box genes during zebrafish embryogenesis.
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49. Conservation of the expression and function of apterous orthologs in Drosophila and mammals.
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50. Muscle development during vertebrate limb outgrowth.
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51. The T-Box genes Tbx4 and Tbx5 regulate limb outgrowth and identity.
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52. IKK1-deficient mice exhibit abnormal development of skin and skeleton.
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53. How the body tells left from right.
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54. Control of digit formation by activin signalling.
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55. Extracellular modulation of the Hedgehog,Wnt and TGF-β signalling pathways during embryonic development.
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56. Origin and development of the avian tongue muscles.
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57. RLIM inhibits functional activity of LIM homeodomain transcription factors via recruitment of the histone deacetylase complex.
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58. DIO-1 is a gene involved in onset of apoptosis in vitro, whose misexpression disrupts limb development.
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59. Dysregulation of trace element composition in ovariectomized cynomolgus monkey bones.
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60. The novel Cer-like protein Caronte mediates the establishment of embryonic left-right asymmetry.
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61. Pitx2 regulates lung asymmetry, cardiac positioning and pituitary and tooth morphogenesis.
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62. Transcription factors during limb development.
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63. Multiple left-right asymmetry defects in Shh-/- mutant mice unveil a convergence of the Shh and Retinoic Acid pathways in the control of Lefty-1.
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64. Molecular basis of left-right asymmetry.
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65. Control of vertebrate limb outgrowth by the proximal factor Meis2 and distal antagonism of BMPs by Gremlin.
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66. Differential expression of Tbx4 and Tbx5 in Zebrafish fin buds.
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67. Knowing left from right: the molecular basis of laterality defects.
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68. Mechanisms of left-right determination in vertebrates.
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69. Mesenchyme with Fgf-10 expression is responsible for regenerative capacity in Xenopus limb buds.
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70. Evidence that members of the Cut/Cux/CDP family may be involved in AER positioning and polarizing activity during chick limb development.
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71. Establishing a left-right axis in the embryo.
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72. Asymmetric Nodal signaling in the zebrafish diencephalons positions the pineal organ.
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73. Left-right axis determination.
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74. Perspectives on the evolutionary origin of tetrapod limbs.
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75. Wnt signals control FGF-dependent limb initiation and AER induction in the chick embryo.
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76. Development of the limb neuromuscular system.
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77. Wnt signaling and PKA control Nodal expression and left-right determination in the chick embryo.
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78. Developmental expression of chick Twist and its regulation during limb patterning.
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79. Dickkopf1 is required for embryonic head induction and limb morphogenesis in the mouse.
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80. Cómo distingue el cuerpo la izquierda de la derecha?
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81. Patterning mechanisms controlling vertebrate limb development.
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82. Expression of the chick vascular endothelial growth factor D gene during limb development.
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83. The limb identity gene Tbx5 promotes limb initiation by interacting with Wnt-2b and Fgf-10.
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84. Limb Development, Special Issue.
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85. Structural basis of BMP signalling inhibition by the cystine knot protein Noggin.
Groppe, J., Greenwald, J., Wiater, E., Rodriguez-Leon, J., Economides, A.N., Kwiatkowski, W., Affolter, M., Vale, W.W., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Choe, S.
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86. MKP3 mediates the cellular response to FGF8 signalling in the vertebrate limb.
Kawakami, Y., Rodriguez-Leon, J., Koth, C.M., Büscher, D., Itoh, T., Raya, A., Ng, J.K., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Takahashi, S., Henrique, D., Schwarz, M.F., Asahara, H. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
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87. Notch activity induces Nodal expression and mediates the establishment of left-right asymmetry in vertebrate embryos.
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88. Structural basis of BMP signaling inhibition by Noggin a novel twelve-membered cystine knot protein.
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89. Activation of Notch signaling pathway precedes heart regeneration in zebrafish.
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90. Notch activity acts as a sensor for extracellular calcium during vertebrate left-right determination.
Raya, A., Kawakami, Y., Rodriguez-Esteban, C., Ibañes, M., Rasskin-Gutman, D., Rodriguez-León, J., Büscher, D., Feijó, J.A. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
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91. Notch promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transitions during heart development and transformation.
Timmerman, L.A., Grego-Bessa, J., Bertrán, E., Pérez-Pomares, J.M., Diez, J., Aranda, S., Palomo, S., Raya, A., McCormick, F., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and de la Pompa, J.L.
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92. PPARγ signaling exacerbates mammary gland tumor development.
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93. Theoretical morphology developmental asymmetries.
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94. Characterization of dermacan, a novel zebrafish lectican gene, expressed in dermal bones.
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95. Identification of p53 regulators by genome-wide functional analysis.
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96. Notochord differentiation by the T-box gene ntl in zebrafish is regulated by NFκβ.
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97. Sequential transfer of left-right information during vertebrate embryo development.
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98. Unveiling the establishment of left-right asymmetry in the chick embryo.
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99. Sp8 and Sp9 regulate Fgf8 expression and limb outgrowth in vertebrate embryos.
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100. The zebrafish as a model of heart regeneration.
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101. Embryos at the core of life.
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102. Nodal Cilia Dynamics and the Specification of the Left/Right Axis in Early Embryo Development.
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103. Non-canonical Wnt signaling regulates midline convergence of organ primordia during zebrafish development.
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Genes and Development. (2005) 19:164-175
104. Transcriptional co-activator PGC-1 regulates chondrogenesis via association with Sox 9.
Kawakami, Y., Tsuda, M., Takahashi, S., Taniguchi, N., Rodriguez-Esteban, C., Zemmyo, M., Furumatsu, T., Lotz, M., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Asahara, H.
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105. Expression of Fgf19 in the developing eye.
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106. A Novel Field Approach to 3D Gene Expression Pattern Characterization.
Da Fontoura Costa, L., Travencolo, B.A.N., Azeredo, A., Beletti, M.E., Rasskin-Gutman, D., Sternik, G., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Ibanes, M., and Muller, G.
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107. Zebrafish IkB kinase 1 (Ikk1) negatively regulates NF-kB activity.
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108. Retinoic acid signaling links left-right asymmetric patterning and bilaterally symmetric somitogenesis in the zebrafish embryo.
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109. Mechanism of Ciliated Organ Flow: a Conserved Symmetry Breaking Event in Left-Right Axis Determination.
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110. Epicardial RXRα is required for myocardial growth and coronary artery formation.
Merki, E., Zamora, M., Raya, A., Kawakami, Y., Zhang, X., Burch, J., Kubalak, S., Kaliman, P., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Chien, K., Ruiz-Lozano, P.
PNAS. (2005) 102:18455-18460
111. A functional genomics approach to the mode of action of apratoxin A.
Leusch, H., Chanda, S.K., Raya, R.M., DeJesus, P.D., Orth, A.P. Walker, J.R., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Schultz, P.
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112. Maintenance of embryonic stem cell pluripotency by Nanog-mediated reversal of mesoderm specification.
Suzuki, A., Raya, A., Kawakami, Y., Morita, M., Matsui, T., Nakashima, K., Gage, F.H., Rodriguez-Esteban, C., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
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113. Vertebrate left-right asymmetry: a convergence of divergences.
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114. High resolution episcopic microscopy: a rapid technique for high detailed 3D analysis of gene activity in the context of tissue architecture and morphology.
Weninger, W.J., Geyer, S.H., Mohun, T.J., Rasskin-Gutman, D., Matsui, T., Ribeiro, I., Costa, L., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Muller, G. B.
Anatomy and Embryology. (2006) 211:213-221
115. Understanding embryonic heart development as a tool for cardiac cell based therapy.
Soler-Botija, C., Cervera, R.P., Oishi, I., Raya, R.M., Dubova, I., Rodriguez-Esteban, C., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Annals of Pediatrics. (2006) 64:15-22
116. Nanog binds to Smad1 and blocks BMP-induced differentiation of embryonic stem cells.
Suzuki, A., Raya, A., Kawakami, Y., Morita, M., Matsui, T., Nakashima, K., Gage, F.H., Rodriguez-Esteban, C., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
PNAS. (2006) 103:10294-10299
117. Cell lineage transport: a mechanism for molecular gradient formation.
Ibanes, M., Rasskin-Gutman, D., Kawakami, Y., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
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118. Regulation of primary cilia formation and left-right patterning in zebrafish by duboraya, a novel mediator of non-canonical Wnt signaling.
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119. The role of TGFβs and Sox9 during limb chondrogenesis.
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120. Wnt/β-catenin signaling regulates vertebrate limb regeneration.
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121. Miles apart-mediated regulation of cell-Fibronectin interaction is required for proper myocardial migration in zebrafish.
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Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine. (2007) 4:S77-S82.
122. Lysosomal cathepsins in embryonic programmed cell death.
Zuzarte-Luis, V., Montero, J.A., Kawakami, Y., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., and Hurle, J.
Developmental Biology. (2007) 301:205-217.
123. El pez cebra:la navaja suiza de la biologia.
Rojas-Munoz, A., Bernad Miana, A., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Investigacion y Ciencia. (2007) 366:62-69.
124. Tbx2 and Tbx3 regulate the dynamics of cell proliferation during heart regionalization and looping.
Ribeiro, R., Kawakami, Y., Buscher, D., Raya, A., Rodriguez-Leon, J., Morita, M., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
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125. Sp8 exhibits reciprocal induction with Fgf8 but has an opposing effect on anterior-posterior cortical area patterning
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Neural Development. (2007) 2:10.
126. Bioelectricity and epimorphic regeneration.
Stewart, S., Rojas-Munoz, A., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Bioessays. (2007) 29(11):1133-1137.
127. BMP-3 and BMP-6 Structures Illuminate the Nature of Binding Specificity with Receptors.
Allendorph, G.P., Isaacs, M.J., Kawakami, Y., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Choe, S.
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128. Development of a European Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry – hESCreg.
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Regenerative Medicine (2007) 3:945-951.
129. Albumin-associated Lipids Regulate Human Embryonic Stem Cell Self-Renewal.
Garcia-Gonzalo, F.R. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
PLoS ONE. (2008) 3:e1384.
130. Tbx3 controls hepatic stem cell fate in liver development by suppressing p19ARF expression.
Suzuki, A., Sayaka, S., Buscher, D., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., and Taniguchi, H.
Development. (2008) 135:1589-1595
131. Retinoic Acid Regulation of the Mesp-Ripply Feedback Loop During Vertebrate Segmental Patterning.
Moreno, T.A., Jappelli, R., Brenner, S., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., and Kintner, C.
Developmental Biology. (2008) 315:317-330.
132. Directional gut looping is mediated by changes in the extracellular matrix and in cell:cell adhesion.
Kurpios, N.A., Ibanes, M., Davis, N.M., Lui, W., Katz, T., Martin, J.F., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Tabin, C.J.
PNAS. (2008) 105:8499-8506.
133. Pitx2 regulates gonad morphogenesis.
Rodriguez-Leon, J., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Marti, M., Santiago-Josefat, B., Dubova, I., Rubiralta, X., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
PNAS. (2008) 105:11242-11247.
134. NFIX-One Gene, Two Knockouts, Multiple Effects.
Pekarik, V. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Journal of Biology. (2008) 7:29.
135. Theoretical and experimental approaches to understand morphogen gradients.
Ibanes, M and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Molecular Systems Biology. (2008) 4:176.
136. Insights into the establishment of left-right asymmetries in vertebrates.
Raya, A. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
BDRC: Embryo Today. (2008) 84(2):81-94.
137. Highly efficient generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from human keratinocytes.
Aasen, T., Raya, A., Barrero, M.J., Garreta, E., Consiglio, A., Gonzalez, F., Vassena, R., Bilic, J., Pekarik, V., Tiscornia, G., Edel, M., Boue, S. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Biotechnology. (2008) 26:1276-1284.
138. The Forkhead protein, FoxJ1, specified node-like cilia in Xenopus and Zebrafish embryos.
Stubbs, J., Oishi, I., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Kintner, C.
Nature Genetics. (2008) 40:1454-1460.
139. Molecular cloning and developmental expression of a hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein gene, crtl1/hapln1, in zebrafish.
Kang, J.S., Kawakami, Y., Bekku, Y., Ninomiya, Y., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., and Oohashi, T.
Zoological Science. (2008) 25:912-918.
140. Sall genes regulate region specific morphogenesis in the limb by modulating Hox activities.
Kawakami, Y., Uchiyama, Y., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Toshiaki, I., Kawakami, H., Marti, M., Kmita, M., Monaghan-Nicols, P., Nishinakamura, R. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Development. (2009) 136:585-594.
141. Derivació de línies de cèl·lules mare embrionàries humanes.
B. Aran, I.Rodriguez, A.Raya, Y.Muñoz, P.N.Barri, J.C.Izpisua, A.Veiga.
Biologia de la Reproducció. Treballs de la SCB (2009) 59:263-275.
142. Cursos de Formación Continuada 2009
A.Veiga, B.Aran, J.C. Izpisua.
Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmaceuticos. (2009)
143. Generation of cardiomyocytes from new human embryonic stem cell lines derived from poor-quality blastocysts.
Raya, A., Rodriguez-Piza, I., Aran, B., Consiglio, A., Barri, P., Veiga, A., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
73rd Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Symposium. (2009) 73:1-9.
144. ErbB2 and ErbB3 regulate amputation-induced proliferation and migation during vertebrate regeneration.
Rojas-Muñoz, A., Rajadhyksha, S., Gilmour, D., van Bebber, F., Rodríguez-Esteban, C., Nüsslein-Volhard, C., & Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Developmental Biology. (2009) 327: 177-190.
145. A new method for detection and quantification of heartbeat parameters in Drosophila, zebrafish, and embryonic mouse hearts.
Fink, M., Chu, A., Ruiz-Lozano, P., Callol, C., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Giles, W., Bodmer, R. and Ocorr, K.
Biotechniques. (2009) 46: 101-113.
146. Cilia-Where Two Wnts Collide.
Jopling, C. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Zebrafish. (2009) 6: 15-19.
147. Beyond Early Development: Xenopus as an emerging model for the study of regenerative mechanisms.
Beck, C., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Christen, B.
Developmental Dynamics. (2009) 238:1226-1248
148. Generation of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells by transient expression of a single non-viral polycistronic vector.
Gonzalez, F., Barragan Monasterio, M., Tiscornia, G., Montserrat Pulido, N., Vassena, R., Batlle Morera, L., Rodriguez Piza, I. and Izpsiua Belmonte, J.C.
PNAS. (2009) 106:8918-8922.
149. Blockade of Cripto binding to cell surface GRP78 inhibits oncogenic Cripto signaling via MAPk/PI3K and Smad2/3 pathways.
Kelber, J.A., Panopoulos, A.D., Shani, G., Booker, E.C., Belmonte, J.C., Vale, W.W. and Gray, P.C.
Oncogene. (2009) 28: 2324-2336.
150. Disease-corrected haematopoietic progenitors from Fanconi anaemia induced pluripotent stem cells.
Raya, A., Rodriguez-Piza, I., Guenechea, G., Vassena, R., Navarro, S., Barrero, M.J., Consiglio, A., Rio, P., Sleep, E., Tiscornia, G., Garreta, E., Aasen, T., Veiga, A., Verma, I., Bueren, J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature. (2009) 460:53-61.
151. Stem Cell Research in Spain: If Only They Were Windmills.
Raya, A. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Stem Cell. (2009) 4:483-486
152. Linking the p53 tumour suppressor pathway to somatic cell reprogramming.
Kawamura, T., Suzuki, J., Wang, Y.V., Menendez, S., Batlle, L., Wahl, G. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature. (2009) 460:1140-1144. NIHMSID # 134470.
153. Compensatory growth mechanisms regulated by BMP and FGF signaling pathways mediate liver regeneration in zebrafish after partial hepatectomy.
Kan, N., Junghans, D. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
FASEB. (2009) 23:3516-3525.
154. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from human cord blood using OCT4 and SOX2.
Giorgetti, A., Montserrat, N., Aasen, T., Rodriguez-Piza, I., Vassena, R., Gonzalez, F., Boue, S., Barrero, M.J., Aran Corbella, B., Raya, A., Torrebadella, M., Veiga, A. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Stem Cell. (2009) 5:353-357. NIHMSID # 147979.
155. Induced pluripotent stem cells and reprogramming: seeing the science through the hype.
Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Ellis, J., Hochedlinger, K. and Yamanaka, S.
Nature Reviews Genetics. (2009) 10:878-883.
156. Reprogramming of human fibroblasts to induced pluripotent stem cells under xeno-free conditions.
Rodriguez-Piza, I., Richaud-Patin, Y., Vassena, R., Gonzalez, F., Barrero, M.J., Veiga, A., Raya, A. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Stem Cells. (2009) 28:36–44.
157. A histone demethylase is necessary for regeneration in zebrafish.
Stewart, S., Tsun, Z.Y. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
PNAS. (2009) 106:19889-19894.
158. Left-right asymmetry determination.
Ibanes, M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine. (2009) Sept/Oct 2009:210-219.
159. Embryonic Stem Cell-like Cells Derived from Adult Human Testis.
Mizrak, S.C., Chikhovskaya, J.V., Sadri-Ardekani, H., van Daalen, S., Korver, C.M., Hovingh, S.E., Roepers-Gajadien, H.L., Raya, A., Fluiter, K., de Reijke, Th.M., de la Rosette, J.J.M.C.H., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., van der Veen, F., de Rooij, D.G. and van Pelt, A.M.M.
Human Reproduction. (2010) 25:158-167.
160. BMP and Activin membrane-bound inhibitor (BAMBI) reveal the involvement of the TGF-b family in pain modulation.
Tramullas, M., Diaz, A., San-Emeterio, E.P., Morchon, N., Lantero, A., Merino, D., Buscher, D., Merino, R., Hurle, J.M., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Hurle, M.
Journal of Neuroscience. (2010) 30:1502–1511.
161. Human and mouse adipose-derived cells support feeder-independent induction of pluripotent stem cells.
Sugii, S., Kida, Y., Kawamura, T., Suzuki, J., Vassena, R., Yin, Y.Q., Lutz, M., Berggren, W.T., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Evans, R.M.
PNAS. (2010) 107:3558-3563.
162. Isolation and cultivation of human keratinocytes from skin or plucked hair for the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells.
Aasen, T. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Protocols. (2010) 5:371-382.
163. A protocol describing the genetic correction of somatic human cells and subsequent generation of iPS cells.
Raya, A., Rodriguez-Piza, I., Navarro, S., Richaud, Y., Guenechea, G., Sanchez-Danes, A., Consiglio, A., Bueren, J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Protocols. (2010) 5:647-660.
164. Regeneration and reprogramming compared.
Christen, B., Robles, V., Paramonov, I., Raya, M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
BMC Biology. (2010) 8:5.
165. Transcriptomics approach to investigate zebrafish heart regeneration.
Sleep, E., Boue, S., Jopling, C., Raya, M., Raya, A. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine. (2010) 11:369-80.
166. Rem2 GTPase maintains survival of human embryonic stem cells as well as enhancing reprogramming by regulating p53 and cyclin D1.
Edel, M., Menchon, C., Menendez, S., Consiglio, A., Raya, A. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Genes and Development. (2010) 24:561–573.
167. Zebrafish heart regeneration occurs by cardiomyocyte dedifferentiation and proliferation.
Jopling, C., Raya, M., Sleep, E., Marti, M., Raya, A. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
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168. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from human cord blood cells with only 2 factors: Oct4 and Sox 2.
Giorgetti, A., Montserrat, N., Rodriguez-Piza, I, Azqueta, C., Veiga, A., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Protocols. (2010) 5:811-820.
169. BMP-2/6 Heterodimer Is More Effective than BMP-2 or BMP-6 Homodimers as Inductor of Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells.
Valera, E., Issacs, M., Kawakami. Y., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Choe, S.
PLoS ONE. (2010) 5:e11167.
170. Understanding the molecular basis for cardiomyocyte cell cycle regulation: new insights in cardiac regeneration after injury?
Montserrat, N., Jopling, C. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy. (2010) 8:1043-1045.
171. Derivation of human embryonic stem cells at the Center for Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona
Aran B, Rodriguez-Pizà I, Raya A, Consiglio A, Muñoz Y, Barri PN, Izpisua JC, Veiga A
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Animal. (2010) 46:356-366.
172. Reprogramming with defined factors: from induced pluripotency to induced transdifferentiation.
Masip, M., Veiga, A., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Simon, C.
Molecular Human Reproduction. (2010) 16:856-868.
173. Identification of a novel progenitor cell population from adult human cardiac adipose tissue with potential for cardiac repair.
Bayes-Genis, A., Soler-Botija, C., Farre, J., Sepulveda, P., Raya, A., Roura, S., Prat-Vidal, C., Galvez, C., Anastasio Montero, J., Buscher, D. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. (2010) 49:771-780.
174. Turning human epidermis into pancreatic endoderm.
Santamaria, P., Rodriguez-Piza, I., Clemente-Casares, X., Yamanouchi, J., Aasen, T., Raya, A. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
The Review of Diabetic Studies. (2010) 7:151-160.
175. BMP-2 and BMP-6 heterodimer illustrates the nature of ligand-receptor assembly.
Issacs, M.J., Kawakami, Y., Allendorph, G., Yoon, J., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Choe, S.
Molecular Endocrinology. (2010) 24:1469-1477.
176. The cell cycle and pluripotency: Is there a direct link?
Edel, M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Cycle. (2010) 9:2694-2695.
177. Analysis of Human and Mouse Reprogramming of Somatic Cells to Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. What is in the Plate?
Boue, S., Paramonov, I., Barrero, M.J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
PLoS ONE. (2010) 5:e12664.
178. Rem2 GTPase controls proliferation and apoptosis of neurons during embryo development
Edel, M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Cycle. (2010) 9:3414-3422.
179. p53:Guardian of reprogramming.
Menendez, S., Camus, S. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Cycle. (2010) 9:3887-3891.
180. Epigenetic Mechanisms that Regulate Cell Identity.
Barrero, M.J., Boue, S. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Stem Cell. (2010) 5:565-570.
181. Stem Cell Research in Spain.
Veiga, A., Raya, A. and Izpsiua, J.C.
2010 World Stem Cell Summit. (2010)
182. MicroRNAs in stem cell function and fate.
Tiscornia, G. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Genes and Development. (2010) 24: 2732-2741.
183. High-efficient generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from human astrocytes.
Ruiz, S., Brennand, K., Panopoulos, A.D., Herrerias, A. Gage, F.H. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
PLoS ONE. (2010) 5:e15526.
184. Generation of Pig iPS Cells: A Model for Cell Therapy.
Montserrat N, Bahima EG, Batlle L, Häfner S, Rodrigues AM, Gonzalez F, Izpisua Belmonte JC.
J Cardiovasc Transl Res. (2010) 4:121-130.
185. Dynamic Changes in the Copy Number of Pluripotency and Cell Proliferation Genes in Human ES and iPS Cells during Reprogramming and Time in Culture.
Laurent, L.C., Ulitsky, I., Slavin, I., Tran, H., Schork, A., Morey, R., Lynch, C., Harness, J., Lee, S., Barrero, M.J., Martynova, M., Muller, F.-J., Semechkin, R., Galat, V., Gottesfeld, J., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Murray, C., Keirstead, H., Park, H.-S., Schmidt, U., Laslett, A., Nievergelt, C., Shamir, R. and Loring, J.
Cell Stem Cell. (2011) 8:106-118.
186. Differentiation, transdifferentiation and reprogramming: three routes to regeneration.
Jopling, C., Boue, S. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. (2011) 12:79-89.
187. Cell fate conversion by mRNA.
Li, M., Sancho-Martinez, I. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Stem Cell Research and Therapy. (2011) 2:5.
188. Cre-LoxP-regulated expression of monoclonal antibodies driven by an ovalbumin promoter in primary oviduct cells.
Oishi, I., Kim, S., Yoshii, K., Rodriguez Esteban, C. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
BMC Biotechnology. (2011) 11:5.
189. A high proliferation rate is required for cell reprogramming and maintenance of human embryonic stem cell identity.
Ruiz, S., Panopoulos, A.D., Herrerias, A., Bissig, K-D, Lutz, M., Berggren, W.T., Verma, I. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Current Biology. (2011) 21: 45-52.
190. Somatic coding mutations in human induced pluripotent stem cells.
Gore, A., Li, Z., Fung, H.L., Young, J., Agarwal, S., Antosiewicz-Bourget, J., Canto, I., Giorgetti, A., Israel, M., Kiskinis, E., Lee, J.H., Loh, Y.H., Manos, P.D., Montserrat, N., Panopoulos, A.D., Ruiz, S., Wilbert, M., Yu, J., Kirkness, E.F., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Rossi, D.J., Thomson, J., Eggan, K., Daley, G.Q., Goldstein, L.S.B. and Zhang, K.
Nature. (2011) 471:46-7.
191. Regenerating the Epigenome.
Barrero, M.J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
EMBO Reports. (2011) 12:208-215.
192. Modelling Long QT Syndrome with iPS cells: Be still, my beating heart…
Tiscornia, G., Montserrat, N. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Circulation Research. (2011) 108:648-649.
193. Simple generation of human induced Pluripotent stem cells using Poly({beta}-Amino Esters) as non-viral gene delivery system.
Montserrat, N., Garreta Bahima, E., Gonzalez, F., Gutierrez, J., Eguizabal, C., Ramos Perez, V., Borros, S., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. (2011) 286:12417-28.
194. Methods for making iPS cells: reprogramming à la carte.
Gonzalez, F., Boue, S. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Reviews Genetics. (2011) 12:231-242.
195. iPSCs: Induced Back to Controversy.
Panopoulos, A., Ruiz, S. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Stem Cell. (2011) 8:347-348.
196. iPS cells forgive but do not forget.
Barrero, M.J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Cell Biology. (2011) 13:523–525
197. Recapitulation of premature ageing with iPSCs from Huchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome.
Liu, G-H, Barkho, B.Z., Ruiz, S., Diep, D., Qu, J., Yang, S-L, Panopoulos, A.D., Suzuki, K., Kurian, L., Walsh, C., Thompson, J., Boue, S., Fung, H.L., Sancho-Martinez, I., Zhang, K., Yates III, J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature. (2011) 472:221-5.
198. Rapid and highly efficient generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from human umbilical vein endothelial cells.
Panopoulos, A., Ruiz, S., Yi, F., Herrerias, A., Batchelder, E.M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
PLoS ONE. (2011) 6:e19743.
199. Human cord blood reprogrammed into embryonic-like stem cells.
Giorgetti, A., Fazzina, R., Li, M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
ISBT Science Series. (2011) 6:107-111.
200. The cell cycle inhibitor p27Kip1 controls self-renewal and pluripotency of human embryonic stem cells by regulating the cell cycle, Brachyury and Twist.
Menchon, C., Edel, M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Cycle. (2011) 10:1435-1447.
201. A protocol to assess cell cycle and apoptosis in human and mouse pluripotent cells.
Edel, M., Menchon, C., Andres Vacquero, J.M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Communication and Signaling. (2011) 9:8
202. Disease correction, the iPSC way. Advances in iPSC-based therapy.
Sancho-Martinez, I., Li, M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. (2011) Advanced Online Publication March 9, 2011.
203. Targeted Gene Correction of Laminopathy-Associated LMNA Mutations in Patient-Specific iPSCs.
Liu, G.H., Suzuki, K., Qu, J., Sancho-Martinez, I., Yi, F., Li, M., Kumar, S., Nivet, E., Kim, J., Soligalla, R.D., Dubova, I., Goebl, A., Plongthongkum, N., Fung, H.L., Zhang, K., Loring, J.F., Laurent, L.C., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Stem Cell. (2011) 8:688-694.
204. LSD1 regulates the balance between self-renewal and differentiation in human embryonic stem cells.
Adamo, A., Sese, B., Boue, S., Castano, J., Paramonov, I., Barrero, M.J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Cell Biology. (2011) 13:652-660.
205. Complete meiosis from human induced pluripotent stem cells.
Eguizabal, C., Montserrat, N., Vassena, R., Barragan, M., Garreta, E., Garcia-Quevedo, L., Vidal, F., Giorgetti, A., Veiga, A. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Stem Cells. (2011) 29:1186-1195.
206. Pluripotency of Male Germline Stem Cells.
Kim, S. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Molecules and Cells. (2011) 32(2):113-21.
207. Efficient Generation of Hematopoietic Precursors and Progenitors from Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines.
Woods, N-B, Parker, A.S., Moraghebi, R., Lutz, M.K., Firth, A.L., Brennand, K.J., Berggren, W.T., Raya, A., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Gage, F.H. and Verma, I.M.
Stem Cells. (2011) 29:1158–1164.
208. Study of pluripotency markers in zebrafish embryos and transient ES cell cultures.
Robles, V., Marti, M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Zebrafish. (2011) 8(2):57-63.
209. Ablation of Dido3 compromises lineage commitment of stem cells in vitro and during early embryonic development.
Futterer, A., Raya, A., Liorente, M., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., de la Pompa, J.L., Klatt, P., and Martinez-A, C.
Cell Death and Differentiation. (2011) 19(1):132-43.
210. Waves of early transcriptional activation and pluripotency program initiation during human preimplantation development.
Vassena, R., Boue, S., Gonzalez Roca, E., Aran, B., Auer, H., Veiga, A., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Development. (2011) 138:3699-3709.
211. Anaerobicizing into Pluripotency.
Panopoulos, A.D. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Metabolism. (2011) 14:143-4.
212. A Src-Tks5 Pathway Is Required for Neural Crest Cell Migration during Embryonic Development.
Murphy, D.A., Diaz, B., Bromann, P.A., Tsai, J.H., Kawakami, Y., Maurer, J., Stewart, R.A., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., and Courtneidge, S.A.
PLoS ONE. (2011) 6:e22499.
213. iPS cells versus ES cells: Close enough or yet too far apart?
Bilic, J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Stem Cells. (2011) 30(1):33-41.
214. Islet1-mediated activation of the ß-catenin pathway is necessary for hindlimb initiation in mice.
Kawakami, Y., Marti, M., Kawakami, H., Itoh, J., Quach, T., Johnson, A., Sahara, S., O’Leary, D.D.M., Nakagawa, Y., Lewandoski, M., Pfaff, S., Evans, S., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Development. (2011) 138(20):4465-73.
215. Diseases in a Dish: modeling human genetic disorders using induced pluripotent cells.
Tiscornia, G. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Medicine. (2011) 17(12):1570-6.
216. LSD1 and Pluripotency: A new player in the network.
Adamo, A., Barrero, M.J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Cycle. (2011) 10(19):3215-6.
217. No factor left behind: generation of transgene free induced pluripotent stem cells.
Li, M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
American Journal of Stem Cells. (2011) 1(1):75-80.
218. Efficient Generation of A9 Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons by Lentiviral Delivery of LMX1A in Human Embryonic Stem Cells and iPS Cells.
Sanchez-Danes A., Consiglio A., Richaud Y., Rodríguez-Pizà I., Dehay B., Edel M., Bové J., Memo M., Vila M., Raya A., and Izpisua Belmonte J.C.
Human Gene Therapy. (2011) 23(1):56-69.
219. Efficient correction of hemoglobinopathy-causing mutations by homologous recombination in integration-free patient iPSCs
Li, M., Suzuki, K., Qu, J., Saini, P., Dubova, I., Yi, F., Lee, J., Sancho-Martinez, I., Liu, G-H, and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research. (2011) 21:1740–1744.
220. The metabolome of induced pluripotent stem cells reveals metabolic changes occurring in somatic cell reprogramming.
Panopoulos, A.D., Yanes, O., Ruiz, S., Kida, Y.S., Diep, D., Tautenhahn, R., Herrerias, A., Batchelder, E.M., Plongthongkum, N., Lutz, M., Berggren, W.T., Zhang, K., Evans, R.M., Suizdak, G., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research. (2011) 22(1):168-77.
221. Histone H1 variants are differentially expressed and incorporated into chromatin during differentiation and reprogramming to pluripotency.
Terme, J.-M., Sese, B., Millan-Ariño, L., Mayor, R., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Barrero, M.J., and Jordan, A.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. (2011) 286(41):35347-57.
222. The labyrinth of nuclear programming.
Sancho-Martinez, I., Nivet, E., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Journal of Molecular Cell Biology. (2011) 3, 327–329.
223. Purging and isolating pluripotent cells, “sweet” dreams become true?
Sancho-Martinez, I., Nivet, E., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research. (2011) (11):1526-7.
224. Increased dosage of tumor suppressors limits the tumorigenicity of iPS cells without affecting their pluripotency.
Menendez, S., Camus, S., Herreria, A., Paramonov, I., Batlle Morera, L., Collado, M., Pekarik, V., Maceda, I., Edel, M., Consiglio, A., Sanchez, A., Li, H., Serrano, M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Aging Cell. (2012) 11:41-50.
225. iPS cells versus ES cells: Close enough or yet too far apart?
Bilic, J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Stem Cells. (2012) 30:33–41
226. Ablation of Dido3 compromises lineage commitment of stem cells in vitro and during early embryonic development.
Futterer, A., Raya, A., Liorente, M., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., de la Pompa, J.L., Klatt, P., and Martinez-A, C.
Cell Death and Differentiation. (2012) 19:132-143.
227. Skeletal muscle regeneration in Xenopus tadpoles and zebrafish larvae
Cavaco Rodrigues, A.M., Christen, B., Marti, M., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
BMC Developmental Biology. (2012) 12:9.
228. p38α MAPK regulates myocardial regeneration in zebrafish
Jopling, C., Suñè, G., Morera, C., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Cycle. (2012) 11(6):1195-201.
229. Rejuvenating liver and pancreas through cell transdifferentiation
Yi, F., Liu, G-H, and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research. (2012) 22:616-619.
230. Human induced pluripotent stem cells derived hepatocytes: rising promise for disease modeling, drug development and cell therapy
Yi, F., Liu, G-H, and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Protein & Cell. (2012) 3(4): 246–250
231. Reprogramming based gene therapy for inherited red blood cell disorders
Xu, X., Qu, J., Suzuki, K., Li, M., Zhang, W., Liu, G-H, and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research. (2012) 22:941-944.
232. Induced pluripotent stem cells in clinical hematology: potentials, progress, and remaining obstacles
Panopoulos, A.D. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Current Opinion in Hematology. (2012) 19(4):256-60.
233. Induced neural stem cells: a new tool for studying neural development and neurological disorders
Liu, G-H, Yi, F., Suzuki, K., Qu, J., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research. (2012) 22(7):1087-91.
234. Small molecule-mediated TGF Type II receptor degradation promotes cardiomyogenesis in embryonic stem cells
Willems, E., Cabral-Teixeira, J., Schade, D., Cai, W., Reeves, P., Bushway, P., Lanier, M., Walsh, C., Kirchhausen, T., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Cashman, J., and Mercola, M.
Cell Stem Cell. (2012) 11, 242-252.
235. Accumulation of instability in serial differentiation and reprogramming of parthenogenetic human cells
Vassena, R., Montserrat, N., Carrasco Canal, B., Aran, B., de Oñate, L., Veiga, A., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Human Molecular Genetics. (2012). 21(15):3366-73.
236. Gating neural development and aging via nuclear pores.
Liu, G-H, Li, M., Qu, J., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research. (2012). 22:1212-1214.
237. Gametogenesis in a dish
Gu, Y., Liu, G-H, and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research. (2012). 22(10):1422-5.
238. Transient downregulation of Bmp signalling induces extra limbs in vertebrates
Christen, B., Cavaco Rodrigues, A.M., Barragán Monasterio, M., Fabregat Roig, C., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Development. (2012) 139, 2557-2565.
239. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from human renal proximal tubular cells with only two transcription factors: OCT4 and SOX2
Montserrat, N., Ramírez-Bajo, M.J., Xia, Y., Sancho-Martinez, I., Moya-Rull, , D., Miquel-Serra, L., Yang, S., Nivet, E., Cortina, C., González, F., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., and Josep M. Campistol
The Journal of Biological Chemistry. (2012). 287(29):24131-8.
240. Development and validation of an automated high-throughput system for zebrafish in vivo screenings.
Letamendia A., Quevedo C., Ibarbia I., Virto J.M., Holgado O., Diez M., Izpisua Belmonte J.C., Callol-Massot C.
PLoS One. (2012). 7(5):e36690.
241. Cardiosphere-derived cells for heart regeneration
Masuda, S., Montserrat, N., Okamura, D., Suzuki K., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
The Lancet. (2012). 379(9835): 2425-2426.
242. Cord blood-derived neuronal cells by ectopic expression of Sox2 and c-Myc
Giorgetti, A., Marchetto, M., Li, M., Yu, D., Fazzina, R., Mu, Y., Adamo, A., Paramonov, I., Castaño Cardoso, J., Barragan Monasterio, M., Bardy, C., Cassiani-Ingoni, R. Liu, G-H, Gage F.H., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
PNAS. (2012). 109(31):12556-61.
243. Establishment of hepatic and neural differentiation platforms of Wilson’s disease specific induced pluripotent stem cells
Yi, F., Qu, J., Suzuki, K., Kim, NY, Liu, G-H, and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Protein & Cell. (2012). 3(11):855-63.
244. DNA Hypermethylation in Somatic Cells Correlates with Higher Reprogramming Efficiency
Barrero MJ, Berdasco M, Paramonov I, Bilic J, Vitaloni M, Esteller M, and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Stem Cells. (2012). 30(8):1696-702.
245. Navigating the epigenetic landscape of pluripotent stem cells
Li, M., Liu, G-H, and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. (2012) 13, 524-535.
246. Vitrified blastocysts from Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) as a source for human Embryonic Stem Cell (hESC) derivation
Aran, B, Sole, M., Rodriguez-Pizà, I., Parriego, M., Muñoz, Y., Boada, M., Barri, P.N., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., and Veiga, A.
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. (2012). 29(10):1013-20.
247. Post-translational modulation of pluripotency
Cai, N., Li, M., Qu, J., Liu, G-H, and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Journal of Molecular Cell Biology. (2012). 4(4):262-5.
248. Huntington’s disease: Dancing in a dish
Zhang, K., Yi, F., Liu, G-H, and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research. (2012). 22(12):1627-30.
249. Lineage conversion methodologies meet the reprogramming toolbox
Sancho-Martinez, I., Baek, S.H., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Cell Biology. (2012). 14(9):892-9.
250. Identification of a specific reprogramming-associated epigenetic signature in human induced pluripotent stem cells
Ruiz, S., Diep, D., Gore, A., Panopoulos, A.D., Montserrat, N., Plongthongkum, N., Kumar, S., Fung, H.-L., Giorgetti, A., Bilic, J., Batchelder, E.M., Zaehres, H., Kan, N.G., Schöler, H.R., Mercola, M., Zhang, K. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
PNAS. (2012). 109(40):16196-201.
251. Progressive degeneration of human neural stem cells caused by pathogenic LRRK2
Liu, G.-H., Qu, J., Suzuki, K., Li, M., Montserrat, N., Yi, F., Xu, X., Ruiz, S., Zhang, W., Ren, B., Wagner, U., Kim, A., Li, Y., Goebl, A., Kim, J., Soligalla, R.D., Dubova, I., Thompson, J., Yates, J., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Sancho-Martinez, I. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature. (2012). 491(7425):603-7.
252. Activity of the oral MEK inhibitor trametinib in patients with advanced melanoma: a phase 1 dose-escalation trial
Masuda, S. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
The Lancet Oncology. (2012).13(10): e409.
253. The dawn of angiogenesis modeling: regenerating vasculature from human pluripotent stem cells
Yi, F., Qu, J., Liu, G.-H., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research. (2012). 23(1):3-5.
254. In vitro generation of platelets through direct conversion: first report in My Knowledge (iMK)
Masuda, S., Li, M., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research. (2012). 23(2):176-8.
255. iPSC technology to study human aging and aging-related disorders
Liu, G.-H., Ding, Z., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Current Opinion in Cell Biology. (2012). 24(6):765-74.
256. Generation of a drug-inducible reporter system to study cell reprogramming in human cells
Ruiz, S., Panopoulos, A.D., Montserrat, N., Multon, M.-C., Daury, A., Rocher, C., Spanakis, E., Batchelder, E.M., Orsini, C., Deleuze, J.-F., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. (2012). 287(48):40767-78.
257. Retos de la medicina regenerative
Barrero, M.J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Investigacion y Ciencia. (2012). November, 2012.
258. Neuronopathic Gaucher’s Disease: induced pluripotent stem cells for disease modelling and testing chaperone activity of small compounds
Tiscornia, G., Lorenzo Vivas, E., Matalonga, L., Berniakovich, I., Barragán Monasterio, M., Eguizábal Argaiz, C., Gort, L., González, F., Ortiz Mellet, C., García Fernández, J.M., Ribes, A., Veiga, A., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Human Molecular Genetics. (2012). 22(4):633-45.
259. Beating in a dish: new hopes for cardiomyocyte regeneration
Gu, Y., Yi, F., Liu, G.-H., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research. (2012). 23(3):314-6.
260. N-acetylcysteine protects induced pluripotent stem cells from in vitro stress: impact on differentiation outcome
Berniakovich, I., Laricchia-Robbio, L., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
The International Journal of Developmental Biology. (2012). 56:729 – 735.
261. Compound screening platform using human induced pluripotent stem cells to identify small molecules that promote chondrogenesis
Yang, S.-L., Harnish, E., Leeuw, T., Dietz, U., Batchelder, E., Wright, P.S., Peppard, J., August, P., Volle-Challier, C., Bono, F., Herbert, J.-M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Protein & Cell. (2012). 3(12):934-42.
262. Hypoxia induces myocardial regeneration in zebrafish
Jopling, C., Suñe, G., Faucherre, A., Fabregat, C. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Circulation. (2012). 126:3017-3027.
263. Cell cycle gene-specific control of transcription has a critical role in proliferation of primordial germ cells
Okamura, D., Maeda, I., Taniguchi, H., Tokitake, Y., Ikeda, M., Ozato, K., Mise, N., Abe, K., Noce, T., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., and Matsui, Y.
Genes and Development. (2012). 26(22):2477-82.
264. New march towards the regeneration of sensation and cognition: hear more, see more and learn more
Zhang, K., Yi, F., Liu, G.-H., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Journal of Molecular Cell Biology. (2012). 5(2):151-3.
265. Conversion of human fibroblasts to angioblast-like progenitor cells
Kurian, L., Sancho-Martinez, I., Nivet, E., Aguirre, A., Moon, K., Pendaries, C., Volle-Challier, C., Bono, F., Herbert, J.-M., Pulecio, J., Xia, Y., Li, M., Montserrat, N., Ruiz, S., Dubova, I., Rodriguez, C., Denli, A.M., Boscolo, F.S., Thiagarajan, R.D., Gage, F., Loring, J.F., Laurent, L.C., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Methods. (2012). 10(1):77-83.
266. Reprogramming development and aging: cell differentiation as a malleable process
Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Current Opinion in Cell Biology. (2012). 24(6):713-5.
267. Cut and Paste: restoring cellular function by gene correction
Liu, G-H, Sancho-Martinez, I., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research. (2012) 22(2): 283–284
268. Resetting Parkinson’s disease patient-derived cells to unveil new pathological marks
Nivet, E., Liu, G.-H., Montserrat, N., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Médecine/Sciences. (2013). (4):353-5.
269. The microenvironment and resistance to personalized cancer therapy
Masuda, S. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology. (2013). 10(2):79.
270. Characterization of pluripotent stem cells
Marti, M., Mulero, L., Pardo, C., Morera, C., Carrió, M., Laricchia-Robbio, L., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Protocols. (2013). 8(2):223-53.
271. Analysis of protein coding mutations in hiPSCs and their possible functions during somatic cell reprogramming
Ruiz, S., Gore, A., Li, Z., Panopoulos, A.D., Montserrat, N., Fung, H.-L., Giorgetti, A., Bilic, J., Batchelder, E.M., Zaehres, H., Schöler, H.R., Zhang, K., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Communications. (2013). 4:1382.
272. Switching cell fate, ncRNAs coming to play
Guan, D., Zhang, W., Zhang, W., Liu, G.-H., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Death and Disease. (2013). 4:e464.
273. Conversion of pericytes to neurons: a new guest at the reprogramming convention
Nivet, E., Sancho-Martinez, I., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Stem Cell Research & Therapy. (2013). 4(1):2.
274. Surf the Waves of Reprogramming
Sancho-Martinez, I. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature. (2013). 493:310-311.
275. Prospects on hESC-derived pancreatic progenitor expansion
Sui, L., Liu, G.-H., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research. (2013). 23(5):592-4.
276. Autophagic control of cell “stemness”
Pan, H., Cai, N., Li, M., Liu, G.-H., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
EMBO Molecular Medicine. (2013). 5, 327–331.
277. Dedifferentiation, Transdifferentiation, and Reprogramming: Future Directions in Regenerative Medicine
Eguizabal, C., Montserrat, N., Veiga, A., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Seminars in Reproductive Medicine. (2013). 31:82–94.
278. Activin/ BMP2 chimeric ligands direct adipose-derived stem cells to chondrogenic differentiation
Peran, M., Ruiz, S., Kwiatkowski, W., Marchal, J.A., Yang, S-L., Aranega, A., Choe, S. , and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Stem Cell Research. (2013). 10, 464-476.
279. Reprogramming Towards Heart Regeneration: Stem Cells and Beyond
Aguirre, A., Sancho-Martinez, I., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Stem Cell (2013). 12(3):275-84.
280. Correspondence: Cotransplantation of MSCs and HSCs
Masuda, S. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Transplantation (2013). 95(10):e62-3.
281. Polycomb complex recruitment in pluripotent stem cells
Barrero, M.J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Cell Biology (2013). 15(4):348-350.
282. Correspondence: At the crossroads of targeted treatment and resistance in melanoma
Masuda, S. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
The Lancet Oncology (2013). 14(4): e136-e137.
283. Macrohistone Variants Preserve Cell Identity by Preventing the Gain of H3K4me2 during Reprogramming to Pluripotency
Barrero, M.J., Sese, B., Kuebler, B., Bilic, J., Boue, S., Marti, M., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Reports (2013). 3(4):1005-11.
284. Isolation and in vitro culture of primary cardiomyocytes from adult zebrafish hearts
Sander, V., Sune, G., Jopling, C., Morera, C., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Protocols. (2013). 8(4):800-809.
285. Niche-less maintenance of HSCs by 2i
Masuda, S., Li, M., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research (2013). (4):458-9.
286. SMYD2 is induced during differentiation and participates in early development.
Sese, B., Barrero, M.J., Fabregat, M.C., Sander, V. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
International Journal of Developmental Biology. (2013) 57:357-364.
287. Macro histone variants are critical for the differentiation of human pluripotent cells.
Barrero, M.J., Sese, B., Marti, M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. (2013) 288(22):16110-6.
288. Direct conversion of human fibroblasts into retinal pigment epithelium-like cells by defined factors
Zhang, K., Liu, G.-H., Yi, F., Montserrat, N., Hishida, T., Rodriguez Esteban, C. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Protein & Cell (2013). 5:48-58.
289. “TET-on” pluripotency
Wang, P., Qu, J., Wu, M.Z., Zhang, W., Liu, G.-H. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research (2013). 23(7):863-5.
290. Mitochondrial regulation in pluripotent stem cells
Xu, X., Duan, S., Yi, F., Ocampo, A., Liu, G.-H. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Metabolism (2013). 18(3):325-32.
291. Concealing cellular defects in pluripotent stem cells
Zhang, W., Qu, J., Suzuki, K., Liu, G.-H. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Trends in Cell Biology (2013). 23(12):587-592.
292. Reprogramming of human fibroblasts to pluripotency with lineage specifiers.
Montserrat, N., Nivet, E., Sancho-Martinez, I., Hishida, T., Kumar, S., Miquel, L., Cortina, C., Hishida, Y., Xia, Y., Rodriguez Esteban, C. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Stem Cell (2013). 13(3):341-50.
293. Global DNA methylation and transcriptional analyses of human ESC-derived cardiomyocytes.
Gu, Y., Liu, G.-H., Plongthongkum, N., Benner, C., Yi, F., Qu, J., Suzuki, K., Yang, J., Zhang, W., Li, M., Montserrat, N., Crespo, I., Del Sol, A., Esteban Rodriguez, C., Zhang, K. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Protein & Cell (2013). 5:59-68.
294. Advances in cellular reprogramming: Moving toward a reprieve from immunogenicity
Gallegos, T., Sancho-Martinez, I. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Immunology Letters (2013). 155(1-2):14-7.
295. Regulation of Somatic Stem Cell Function by DNA Methylation and Genomic Imprinting
Li, M., Kim, N.Y., Masuda, S. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell & Tissue Transplantation & Therapy (2013). 2013:5 19-23.
296. A cut above the rest: targeted genome editing technologies in human pluripotent stem cells
Li, M., Suzuki, K., Kim, N.Y., Liu, G.-H. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2013). 289(8):4594-9.
297. Will SCNT-ESCs Be Better than iPSCs for Personalized Regenerative Medicine?
Sancho-Martinez, I. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Stem Cell (2013). (2):141-2
298. MCAD Mediated Intercellular Interactions Activate Satellite Cell Division
Marti, M., Montserrat, N., Pardo, C., Mulero, L., Miquel-Serra, L., Miquel-Cavaco, A., Vaquero, J.A., Kuebler, B., Morera, C., Barrero, M.J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Journal of Cell Science (2013). 126(Pt 22):5116-31.
299. Chemically induced pluripotent stem cells (CiPSCs): a transgene-free approach
Masuda, S., Wu, J., Hishida, T., Pandian, G., Sugiyama, H. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Journal of Molecular Cell Biology (2013) 5(5):354-5.
300. Oncofetal Gene SALL4 in Aggressive Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Masuda, S., Suzuki, K. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
The New England Journal of Medicine (2013) 369;12: 1171.
301. Heart Regeneration: A Tale of Cell Reprogramming
Aguirre, A., Sancho-Martinez, I., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Circulation Research (2013). 113:1109-1111.
302. Gating pluripotency via nuclear pores
Yang, J., Cai, N., Yi, F., Liu, G.-H., Qu, J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Trends in Molecular Medicine (2013) 20(1):1-7.
303. Directed differentiation of human pluripotent cells to ureteric bud kidney progenitor-like cells
Xia, Y., Nivet, E., Sancho-Martinez, I., Gallegos, T., Suzuki, K., Okamura, D., Wu, M.-Z., Dubova, I., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Montserrat, N., Campistol, J.M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Cell Biology (2013) 15(12):1507-15.
304. MicroRNAs Contribute to iPSC-Somatic Donor Memory
Vitaloni, M., Pulecio, J., Bilic, J., Kuebler, B., Laricchia-Robbio, L. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2013) 289(4):2084-98.
305. Generation of iPSCs from Genetically Corrected Brca2 Hypomorphic Cells: Implications in Cell Reprogramming and Stem Cell Therapy
Navarro, S., Moleiro, V., Molina-Estevez, F.J., Lozano, M.L., Chinchon, R., Almarza, E., Quintana-Bustamante, O., Mostoslavsky, G., Maetzig, T., Galla, M., Heinz, N., Schiedlmeier, B., Torres, Y., Modlich, U., Samper, E., Segovia, J.C., Raya, A., Güenechea, G., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., and Bueren, J.A.
Stem Cells (2014) 32(2):436-46.
306. Regenerative medicine: Transdifferentiation in vivo
Fu, L., Zhu, X., Yi, F., Liu, G.-H. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research (2014) 24:141-142.
307. Ageing: Genetic rejuvenation of old muscle
Li, M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature (2014) 506(7488):304-5.
308. Designer nodal/BMP2 chimeras mimic nodal signaling, promote chondrogenesis, and reveal a BMP2-like structure.
Esquivies, L., Blackler, A., Peran, M., Rodriguez-Esteban, C., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Booker, E., Gray, P.C., Ahn, C., Kwiatkowski, W. and Choe, S.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. (2014) 289(3):1788-97.
309. Direct reprogramming of porcine fibroblasts to neural progenitors
Xu, X.-L., Yang, J.-P., Fu, L.-N., Ren, R.-T., Yi, F., Suzuki, K., Liu, K., Ding, Z.-C., Qu, J., Zhang, W.-Q., Li, Y., Yuan, T.-T., Yuan, G.-H., Sui, L.-N., Guan, D., Duan, S.-L., Pan, H.-Z., Wang, P., Zhu, X.-P., Montserrat, N., Li, M., Bai, R.-J., Liu, L., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Liu, G.-H.
Protein & Cell. (2014) 5:4-7.
310. The Lysine-Specific Demethylase 1 is a novel substrate of protein kinase CK2
Costa, R., Arrigoni, G., Cozza, G., Lolli, G., Battistutta, R., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Pinna, L.A. and Sarno, S.
BBAPAP (2014) 1844:722-9.
311. Re: Serum miR-21 as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in colorectal cancer.
Masuda, S. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute (2014) 106(3):djt457.
312. Mathematical approaches to modeling development and reprogramming
Morris, R., Sancho-Martinez, I., Sharpee, T.O. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
PNAS (2014) 111(14):5076-82.
313. A chemical approach to “rewire” neural progenitor cells
Wu, M.-Z., Li, M., Liu, G.-H. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research. (2014) 24(6):641-2.
314. New Strategies in Kidney Regeneration and Tissue Engineering
Uzarski, J.S., Xia, Y., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Wertheim, J.A.
Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension (2014) 23(4):399-405.
315. Targeted gene correction in human disease-specific induced pluripotent stem cells minimally impacts whole-genome mutational load
Suzuki, K., Yu, C., Qu, J., Li, M., Yao, X., Yuan, T., Goebl, A., Tang, S., Ren, R., Aizawa, E., Zhang, F., Xu, X., Soligalla, R.D., Chen, F., Kim, J., Kim, N.Y., Liao, H.-K., Benner, C., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Kin, Y., Liu, G.-H., Li, Y. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Stem Cell. (2014) 15:31-36.
316. A Novel Suppressive Effect of Alcohol Dehydrogenase 5 in Neuronal Differentiation
Wu, K., Ren, R., Su, W., Wen, B., Zhang, Y., Yi, F., Qiao, X., Yuan, T., Wang, J., Liu, L., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Liu, G.-H. and Chen, C.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. (2014). 289(29):20193-9.
317. Conversion of human fibroblasts into monocyte-like progenitor cells
Pulecio, J., Nivet, E., Sancho-Martinez, I., Vitaloni, M., Guenechea, G., Xia, Y., Kurian, L., Dubova, I., Bueren, J., Laricchia-Robbio, L. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Stem Cells. (2014). 32:2923–2938.
318. Modeling Fanconi Anemia pathogenesis and therapeutics using integration-free patient-derived iPSCs. Liu, G.-H., Suzuki, K., Li, M., Qu, J., Montserrat, N., Tarantino, C., Gu, Y., Yi, F., Xu, X., Zhang, W., Ruiz, S., Plongthonglum, N., Zhang, K., Masuda, S., Nivet, E., Tsunekawa, Y., Soligalla, R.D., Goebl, A., Aizawa, E., Kim, N.Y., Kim, J., Dubova, I., Li, Y., Ren, R., Benner, C., del Sol, A., Bueren, J., Trujillo, J.P., Surralles, J., Cappelli, E., Dufour, C., Rodriguez Esteban, C. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. Nature Communications. (2014) 5:4330.
319. Regeneration: making muscle from hPSCs
Zhu, X., Fu, L., Yi, F., Liu, G.-H., Ocampo, A., Qu, J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research. (2014) 24:1159-1161.
320. A recipe for targeted therapy in prostate cancer
Masuda, S. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Reviews Urology. (2014) 11(7):419.
321. Worming towards transdifferentiation, one (epigenetic) step at a time
Beyret, E. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Developmental Cell. 30:641-642.
322. Re: Stem Cells Loaded with Multimechanistic Oncolytic Herpes Simplex Virus Variants for Brain Tumor Therapy
Krause, M., Sancho-Martinez, I. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute. (2014) 107(1):368.
323. Reprogramming by lineage specifiers: Blurring the lines between pluripotency and differentiation
Sancho-Martinez, I., Ocampo, A. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development. (2014) 28:57–63.
324. In vivo activation of a conserved microRNA program induces robust mammalian heart regeneration.
Aguirre, A., Montserrat, N., Zachiggna, S., Nivet, E., Hishida, T., Krause, M.N., Kurian, L., Ocampo, A., Vazquez-Ferrer, E., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Kumar, S., Moresco, J.J., Yates, J.R., Sancho-Martinez, I., Giacca, M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Stem Cell (2014) 15, 589–604.
325. La reprogramacio regenerative abre las puertas a nuevas y revolucionarias terapias para el tratamiento de enfermedades cardiacas
Aguirre, A., Montserrat, N. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C
Genetica Medica News (2014) 11:19-20.
326. Efficient generation of integration-free iPSCs from non-invasively acquired human somatic cells
Ding, Z., Sui, L., Ren, R., Liu, Y., Xu, X., Fu, L., Bai, R., Yuan, T., Hao, Y., Pan, H., Zhang, W., Liu, W., Yu, H., Yu, X., Yang, Z., Li, J., Wang, X., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Liu, G.-H., Yi, F. and Qu, J.
Protein & Cell (2014) ePub ahead of print.
327. A designer’s guide to pluripotency
Wu, J., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature (2014) 516, 172-173.
328. 4 Developmental Outcomes and Efficiency of Two CRISPR/Cas9 Microinjection Methods in Bovine Zygotes
Bogliotti, Y.S., Vilariño, M., Chitwood, J.L., Wu, J., Mutto, A., Mucci, N., Belmonte, J.C. and Ross, P.J.
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 27, 94
329. Roles for noncoding RNAs in cell-fate determination and regeneration
Li, M., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, (2015) 22, 2-4.
330. Stem cells. Holding your breath for longevity.
Ocampo, A. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Science (2015) 347(6228):1319-20.
331. Efficient delivery and functional expression of transfected modified mRNA in human Embryonic Stem Cell-derived Retinal Pigmented Epithelial cells
Hansson, M. L., Albert, S., Somermeyer, L. G., Peco, R., Mejía-Ramirez, E., Montserrat, N., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2015) 290(9):5661-72.
332. Use of the CRISPR/Cas9 system as an intracellular defense against HIV-1 infection in human cells
Liao, H.-K., Gu, Y., Diaz, A., Marlett, J., Takahashi, Y., Li, M., Suzuki, K., Xu, R., Hishida, T., Chang, C.-J., Young, J., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Communications (2015) 10;6:6413.
333. Regenerative medicine: targeted genome editing in vivo
Wang, L., Wu, J., Fang, W., Liu, G.-H., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research (2015) 25(3):271-2.
334. Identification of Novel Long Noncoding RNAs Underlying Vertebrate Cardiovascular Development
Kurian, L., Aguirre, A., Sancho-Martinez, I., Benner, C., Hishida, T., Nguyen, T.B., Reddy, P., Nivet, E., Krause, M.N., Nelles, D.A., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Campistol, J., Yeo, G.W. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Circulation (2015) 131(14):1278-90.
335. Oxidative Stress Mediates Cardiomyocyte Apoptosis in a Human Model of Danon Disease and Heart Failure
Hashem, S.I., Perry, C.N., Bauer, M., Han, S., Clegg, S.D., Ouyang, K., Deacon, D.C., Spinharney, M., Panopoulos, A.D., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Frazer, K.A., Chen, J., Gong, Q., Zhou, Z., Chi, N.C., Adler, E.D.
Stem Cells (2015) 33(7):2343-50.
336. Brains, Genes and Primates
Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Callaway, E.M., Churchland, P., Caddick, S.J., Feng, G., Homanics, G.E., Lee, K-F, Leopold, D.A., Miller, C.T., Mitchell, J.F., Mitalipov, S., Muotri, A.R., Movshon, J.A., Okano, H., Reynolds, J.H., Ringach, D., Sejnowski, T.J., Silva, A.C., Strick, P.L., Wu, J. and Zhang, F.
Neuron (2015) 86:617-631.
337. An alternative pluripotent state confers interspecies chimaeric competency
Wu, J., Okamura, D., Li, M., Suzuki, K., Luo, C., Ma, L., He, Y., Li, Z., Benner, C., Tamura, I., Krause, M.N., Nery, J.R., Du, T., Zhang, Z., Hishida, T., Takahashi, Y., Aizawa, E., Kim, N.Y., Lajara, J., Guillen, P., Campistol, J.M., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Ross, P., Saghatelian, A., Ren, B., Ecker, J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. (2015)
Nature (2015) 521:316-321.
338. Selective elimination of mitochondrial mutations in the germline by genome editing
Reddy, P., Ocampo, A., Suzuki, K., Luo, J., Bacman, S.R., Williams, S.L., Sugawara, A., Okamura, D., Tsunekawa, Y., Wu, J., Lam, D., Xiong, X., Montserrat, N., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Liu, G.-H., Sancho-Martinez, I., Manau, D., Civico, S., Cardellach, F., del Mar O’Callaghan, M., Campistol, J., Zhao, H., Campistol, J.M., Moraes, C.T. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell (2015) 161: 459-469.
339. A Human Stem Cell Model of Werner Syndrome Uncovers Heterochromatin Degeneration as an Aging Driver
Zhang, W., Li, J., Suzuki, K., Qu, J., Wang, P., Zhou, J., Liu, X., Ren, R., Xu, X., Ocampo, A., Yuan, T., Yang, J., Li, Y., Shi, L., Guan, D., Pan, H., Duan, S., Ding, Z., Li, M., Yi, F., Bai, R., Wang, Y., Chen, C., Yang, F., Li, X., Wang, Z., Aizawa, E., Goebl, A., Soligalla, R.D., Reddy, P., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Tang, F., Liu, G.-H. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Science (2015) 348(6239):1160-3.
340. Metabolic Rescue in Pluripotent Cells from Patients with mtDNA Disease
Ma, H., Folmes, C. D.L., Wu, J., Morey, R., Mora-Castilla, S., Ocampo, A., Ma, L., Poulton, J., Wang, X., Ahmed, R., Kang, E., Lee, Y., Hayama, T., Li, Y., Van Dyken, C., Gutierrez, N. M., Tippner-Hedges, R., Koski, A., Mitalipov, N., Amato, P., Wolf, D.P., Huang, T., Terzic, A., Laurent, L., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Mitalipov, S.
Nature (2015) 524:234-238.
341. Stem cell, CRISPR and HIV
Liao, H.K., Li, M., Martinez Martinez, L. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Cycle (2015) 14:13, 1-2
342. Olfactory stem cells reveal MOCOS as a new player in autism spectrum disorders
Feron, F., Gepner, B., Lacassagne, E., Stephan, D., Mesnage, B., Blanchard, M.-P., Boulanger, N., Tardif, C., Deveze, A., Rousseau, S., Suzuki, K., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Khrestchatisky, M, Nivet, E. and Erard Garcia, M.
Molecular Psychiatry (2015) August 4 Epub Ahead of Print.
343. Betaglycan knock-down causes embryonic angiogenesis defects in zebrafish
Kamaid, A., Molina-Villa, T., Mendoza, V., Pujades, C., Maldonado, E., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Lopez-Casillas, F.
The Journal of Genetics and Development (2015) 53: 583–603.
344. Hypoxia drives breast tumor malignancy through a TET-TNFa-p38-MAPK signalling axis.
Wu, M.-Z., Chen, S.-F., Nieh, S., Benner, C., Ger, L.-P., Jan, C.-I., Ma, L., Chen, C.-H., Hishida, T., Chang, H.-T., Lin, Y.-S., Montserrat, N., Gascon, P., Sancho-Martinez, I., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.,
Cancer Research (2015) 75(18):3912-24.
345. Functional compensation between Myc and PI3K signaling supports self-renewal of embryonic stem cells.
Hishida T, Nakachi Y, Mizuno Y, Katano M, Okazaki Y, Ema M, Takahashi S, Hirasaki M, Suzuki A, Ueda A, Nishimoto M, Hishida-Nozaki Y, Vazquez-Ferrer E, Sancho-Martinez I, Izpisua Belmonte JC, Okuda A.
Stem Cells (2015) 33(3):713-25.
346. Creating Patient-specific Neural Cells for the In Vitro Study of Brain Disorders
Brennand, K., Marchetto, M. C., Benvenisty, N., Brustle, O., Ebert, A., Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., Kaykas, A., Lancaster, M., Livesey, R., McConnell, M., McKay, R., Morrow, E., Muotri, A., Panchision, D. M., Rubin, L. L., Sawa, A., Soldner, F., Song, H., Studer, L., Temple, S., Vaccarino, F., Wu, J., Vanderhaeghen, P., Gage, F. H., Jaenisch, R.
Stem Cell Reports (2015) 5(6):933-45.
347. Activin A/BMP2 chimera AB235 drives efficient redifferentiation of long term cultured autologous chondrocytes
Jimenez, G., Lopez Ruiz, E., Kwiatkowski, W., Montanez, E., Arrebola, F., Carrillo, E., Gray, P., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Choe, S., Peran, M. and Marchal, J.A.
Scientific Reports (2015) 5:16400.
348. Metabolic Exit from naïve pluripotency
Wu, J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Cell Biology (2015) 17(12):1519-21.
349. Dynamic Pluripotent Stem Cell States and Their Applications
Wu, J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Stem Cell (2015) 17:509-525.
350. PTEN deficiency reprograms human neural stem cells towards a glioblastoma stem cell-like phenotype
Duan, S., Yuan, G., Liu, X., Ren, R., Li, J., Zhang, W., Wu, J., Xu, X., Fu, L., Li, Y., Yang, J., Zhang, W., Bai, R., Yi, F., Suzuki, K., Gao, H., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Zhang, C., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Chen, Z., Wang, X., Jiang, T., Qu, J., Tang, F. and Liu, G.-H.
Nature Communications (2015) 6:10068.
351. Establishment of human iPSC-based models for the study and targeting of glioma initiating cells
Sancho-Martinez, I., Nivet, E., Xia, Y., Hishida, T., Aguirre, A., Ocampo, A., Ma, L., Morey, R., Krause, M.N., Zembrzycki, A., Ansorge, O., Vazquez-Ferrer, E., Dubova, I., Reddy, P., Lam, D., Hishida, Y., Wu, M.-Z., Rodriguez Esteban, C., O’Leary, D., Wahl, G.M., Verma, I. M., Laurent, L. C. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature Communications (2015) 7:10743.
352. Mending a Faltering Heart
Li, M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Circulation Research (2015) 118(2):344-51.
353. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of reprogramming
Krause, M.N., Sancho-Martinez, I and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
BBRC (2015) pii: S0006-291X(15)30989-X.
354. Regenerative strategies for kidney engineering
Montserrat, N., Garreta, E. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
FEBS Journal (2016) ePub ahead of Print.
355. The XEN of Reprogramming
Beyret, E. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell Research (2016) 26(2):147-8.
356. Modeling xeroderma pigmentosum associated neurological pathologies with patients-derived iPSCs
Fu, L., Xu, X., Ren, R., Wu, J., Zhang, W., Yang, J., Ren, X., Wang, S., Zhao, Y., Sun, L., Yu, Y., Wang, Z., Yang, Z., Yuan, Y., Qiao, J., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Qu, J. and Liu, G.
Protein Cell (2016) Epub ahead of print Feb. 13
357. The Molecular Harbingers of Early Mammalian Embryo Patterning
Wu, J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell (2016) 165:13-15.
358. Loss of MAX results in meiotic entry in mouse embryonic and germline stem cells
Suzuki, A., Hirasaki, M., Hishida, T., Wu, D., Okamura, D., Ueda, A., Nishimoto, M., Nakachi, Y., Mizuno, Y., Okazaki, Y., Matsui, Y., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Okuda, A.
Nature Communications (2016) In Press.
359. An Overview of Mammalian Pluripotency
Wu, J., Yamauchi, T. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Development (2016) In Press.
360. Garreta, E., de Oñate, L., Fernandez-Santos, M.E., Oria Fernandez, R., Tarantino, C., Climent, A., Marco, A., Samitier, M., Martinez, E., Valls-Margarit, M., Matasanz, R., Taylor, D.A., Fernandez Aviles, F., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Montserrat, N.
Myocardial Commitment from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells: Rapid Production of Human Heart Grafts
Journal of Biomaterials (2016) In Press.
361. Eguizabal, C., Herrera, L., de Oñate, L., Montserrat, N., Hajkova, P. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Epigenetic Changes Characterization During Human Gonadal Primordial Germ Cells Reprogramming
Stem Cells (2016) In Press.
362. Li, M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Ten years of iPSC technology: the potential awakens
Nature Protocols (2016) In Press.
In Revision:
363. Endothelial mechanosensation provided by piezo1 stimulates neural crest mediated cardiac outflow tract development
Fauchere, A., Moha ou Maati, H., Nasr, N., Rambeau, P., Fontaine, M., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Jopling, C.
PNAS (2016)
364. Oncogenic mutation in Sox2+ cells drive stratified epithelia tumor heterogeneity
Hishida, T., Vazquez-Ferrer, E., Takahashi, Y., Hishida-Nozaki, Y., Hatanaka, F., Wu, J., Wu, M.-Z., Okamura, D., Gerken, L., Shaw, R.J., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Benner, C., Sancho-Martinez, I., Castells, A., Campistol, J.M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature (2016)
365. Dynamic WNT pathway modulation clears barriers of multipotent hematopoietic progenitor differentiation of human iPSCs
Li, M., Suzuki, K., Benner, C., Ku, M., Ma, L., Kobari, L., Kim, N.Y., Montserrat, N., Chang, C.-J., Liu, G.-H., Qu, J., Aizawa, E., Xu, J., Wu, J., Douay, L., Rodriguez Esteban, C. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Journal of Experimental Medicine (2016)
366. Capture of functional mammalian nephron progenitors in culture
Li, Z., Araoka, T., Wu, J., Liao, H.-K., Li, M., Lazo, M., Zhou, B., Wu, M.-Z., Sui, Y., Tamura, I., Xia, Y., Beyret, E., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Guillen, P., Campistol, J.M. and Izpsiua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature (2016)
367. Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein Deficiency Disrupts Alternative Splicing and Promotes Predisposition to Hematologic Malignancies
Li, M., Suzuki, K., Yamauchi, T., Qiu, J., Moresco, J., Kim, N.Y., Hernandez-Benitez, R., Ku, M., Benner, C., Wu, M.-Z., Dunn, S., Takahashi, Y., Li, Z., Xu, J., Aizawa, E., Qu, J., Liu, G.-H., Yi, F., Yates III, J., Fu, X.-D., Rodriguez Esteban, R and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature (2016)
368. Extension of mammalian lifespan through in vivo reprogramming
Ocampo, A., Reddy, P., Platero, A., Martinez, P., Hatanaka, F., Kurita, M., Hishida, T., Araoka, T., Lam, D., Guillen, I., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Guillen, P. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature (2016)
369. Anti-aging strategies based on cellular reprogramming
Ocampo, A., Reddy, P. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Trends in Molecular Medicine (2016)
370. iPSCs from monozygotic twins reveal the role of genetic background in reprogramming-associated epigenetic changes
Panopoulos, A.D., Smith, E.N., Arias, A.D., Shepard, P.J., Hishida, Y., Modesto, V., Diffenderfer, K.E., Conner, C., Biggs, W., Sandoval, E., D’Antonio-Chronowska, A., Berggren, W.T., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Frazer, K.A.
Cell Stem Cell (2016)
371. Metabolite Network Analysis Reveals Role of MDM2 in Diabetic Nephropathy
Saito, R., Rocanin-Arjo, A., You, Y.-H., Darshi, M., Van Espen, B., Pu, M., Romoli, S., Natarajan, L., Ju, W., Kretzler, M., Nelson, R., Ono, K., Thomasova, D., Mulay, S., Ideker, T., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Anders, H.J. and Sharma, K.
Journal of Clinical Investigation (2016)
372. In vivo genome editing via CRISPR-Cas9 mediated homology-independent targeted integration
Suzuki, K., Tsunekawa, Y., Hernandez-Benitez, R., Wu, J., Zhu, J., Kim, E., Hatanaka, F., Yamamoto, M., Araoka, T., Li, Z., Kurita, M., Hishida, T., Li, M., Aizawa, E., Chen, S., Goebl, A., Soligalla, R.D., Qu, J., Jiang, T., Skowronska-Krawczyk, D., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Lajara, J., Nuñez, E., Guillen, P., Campistol, J.M., Matsuzaki, F., Liu, G.-H., Magistretti, P., Zhang, K., Callaway, E., Zhang, K and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Nature (2016)
373. Targeted CpG island methylation in human pluripotent stem cells
Takahashi, Y., Suzuki, K., Martinez Redondo, P., Wu, J., Li, M., Liao, H.-K., Wu, M.-Z., Hishida, T., Nikolaievich Shokhirev, M., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Sancho-Martinez, I. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell (2016)
374. Stem cells: a renaissance in human biology research
Wu, J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Cell (2016)
375. Chimeric contribution of human pluripotent stem cells in large animal species
Wu, J., Platero Luengo, A., Yamauchi, T., Gil, M.A., Soledad Bogliotti, Y., Cuello, C., Sakurai, M., Suzuki, K., Vilarino, M., Parrilla, I., Soto, D., Martinez, C.A., Martinez, L., Sanchez, S., Morales Valencia, M., Wang, H., Nohalez, A., Ocampo, A., Reddy, P., Roca, J., Sugawara, A., Maga, E.A., Rodriguez Esteban, C., Berggren, W.T., Nuñez, E., Lajara, J., Guillen, I., Guillen, P., Campistol, J.M., Martinez, E.A., Ross, P.J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Science (2016)
376. Human and Mouse Stem Cells with Embryonic and Extraembryonic Developmental Potency
Yang, Y., Liu, B., Xu, J., Wang, J., Wu, J., Shi, C., Xu, Y., Dong, J., Sun, F., Wang, C., Lai, W., Zhu, J., Xiong, L., Yang, W., Yamauchi, T., Sugawara, A., Li, Z., Chi, X., Zhang, H., Li, X., Yin, M., Zhu, D., Shen, H., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. and Deng, H.
Cell (2016)
Book Chapters:
377. The Hox-4 genes and the molecular bases of pattern formation.
Zappavigna, V., Dollé, P., Izpisua Belmonte, J. C. and Duboule, D.
FISME. (1990) Monduzzi Editore., pp. 1-14.
378. A comparison of the expression domains of the murine HOX-4, RARs and CRABP genes suggest possible functional relationships during patterning of the vertebrate limb.
Dollé, P., Ruperte, E., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Falkenstein, H., Chambon, P. and Duboule, D.
Developmental patterning of the vertebrate limb, (1991) Hinchliffe et al., eds.), Plenum Press, New York, pp. 65-73.
379. Hox-4 genes, retinoic acid, and the specification of positional information during chick wing morphogenesis.
Izpisua Belmonte, J. C., Dollé, P., Tickle, C., Wolpert, L. and Duboule, D.
Retinoids in Normal Development and Teratogenesis. (1992) Oxford Univ. Press series, pp. 241-248.
380. Subtractive hybridization and construction of cDNA libraries.
Blumberg, B. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Molecular Embryology: Methods and Protocols (1999) (Sharpe, P.T. and I. Mason, Ed.), Humana Press, N.J., Vol. 97:555-574.
381. Differential display of eukaryotic mRNA.
Tugores-Cester, A. and Izpisua Belmonte, J. C.
Molecular Embryology: Methods and Protocols (1999) (Sharpe, P.T. and I., Mason, Ed.), Humana Press, N.J., Vol. 97:575-590.
382. Asymmetry.
Ryan, A.K. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
McGraw-Hill 2001 Yearbook of Science & Technology (2000) (Licker, M.D., Publisher), McGraw Hill Book Co., N.Y., pp. 30-32.
383. Perspectives on the evolutionary origin of tetrapod limbs.
Capdevila, J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
The Character Concept in Evolutionary Biology (2001) (Wagner, G.P., Ed.), Academic Press, CA, pp. 531-558.
384. Regulation of nodal in the chick by Caronte, FGF8 and Wnt8c.
Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Rodriguez-Esteban, C. and Capdevila, J.
Axis Formation in Vertebrate Embryos: a Comparative Approach (2001) (Altman, J.S. and C. Coath, Ed.), Human Frontier Science Program, pp. 168-175.
385. Insights into the molecular basis of vertebrate forelimb and hindlimb identity.
Kawakami, Y., Tsukui, T., Ng, J.K., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Patterning in Vertebrate Development: Frontiers in Molecular Biology (2001) (C. A. Tickle, Ed.), Oxford University Press, pp. 198-213.
386. PITX/RIEG gene family.
Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Encyclopedia of Molecular Medicine (2002) (Creighton, T.E., Ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 2506-2509.
387. Differentiation of embryonic stem cells into cardiomyocytes.
Raya, A., Büscher, D., Kawakami, Y., Schwarz, M.-F and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Biology and Potential Clinical Uses (2003) (Ministerio de Sanidad Y Consumo, Ed.), Fundacion Valenciana de Estudios Avanzados, pp. 105-119.
388. Control of left-right (L/R) determination in vertebrates by the Hedgehog signaling pathway.
Capdevila, J. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Handbook of Cell Signaling (2003) (Bradshaw, R. and E. Dennis, Ed.), Elsevier Science. pp. 799-803.
389. Cardiac laterality and congenital heart disease.
Ruiz-Lozano, P., Raya, A., Chien, K.R. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Molecular Basis of Cardiovascular Disease, 2nd Edition (2004) (Lenehan, A., Ed.), Elsevier. pp. 238-248.
390. Induction of ectopic limb outgrowth in chick with FGF-8.
Raya, A., Rodriguez Esteban, C. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Key Experiments for Practical Developmental Biology (2005) (Marî-Beffa, M. & J. Knight, Ed.), Cambridge University Press. pp. 99-105.
391. Left-right asymmetry in humans.
Raya, A., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (2006) John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester
392. Selection of embryos for stem cell derivation: can we optimize the process?
Veiga, A., Vicenta Camarasa, M., Aran, B., Izpisua, J.C.
Stem Cells in Reproductive Medicine: Basic Science and Therapeutic Potential. (2006) (Pellicer and Simon, Ed.)
393. Modeling Developmental Asymmetries.
Rasskin-Gutman D, Ibanes M, Izpisua-Belmonte JC.
Modeling Biology: Structures, Behaviors, Evolution, in The Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology (2007) (Laubichler, M.D. and Müller, G.B.), The MIT Press
394. Subtractive hybridization and construction of cDNA libraries.
Blumberg, B. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Molecular Embryology: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition (2008) (Sharpe, P.T. and I. Mason, Ed.), Humana Press, N.J.
395. Differential display of eukaryotic mRNA.
Tugores-Cester, A. and Izpisua Belmonte, J. C.
Molecular Embryology: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition (2008) (Sharpe, P.T. and I., Mason, Ed.), Humana Press, N.J.
396. Maintenance of embryonic stem cell pluripotency by Nanog-mediated dedifferentiation of committed mesoderm progenitors.
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397. Epigenetic Mechanisms Controlling Mesodermal Specification.
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398. Keratinocyte induced pluripotent stem cells: from hair to where?
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399. Chapter 9: Induced pluripotent stem cells from cord blood CD133+ cells using Oct4 and Sox2.
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Lineage-Specific Differentiation of Human Embryonic and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Methods and Protocol. (2011) Springer Protocol Handbook Series.
400. Chapter 15: Retroviral-vector based approaches for the generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells from fibroblasts and keratinocytes.
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Lineage-Specific Differentiation of Human Embryonic and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Methods and Protocol. (2011) Springer Protocol Handbook Series.
401. Plucked hair: how to get stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells for future clinical applications.
Montserrat, N. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Handbook of Hair in Health and Disease. (2011) Wageningen Academic Publishers.
402. Cellules Mare Embrionaries: Que en Sabem Despres de Trenta Anys D’Investigacio?
Montserrat, N., Aran, B., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Treballs de la SCB (2012) 63: 215-233
403. Translating stem cells to the clinic. From modeling disease to cellular products
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Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine. (2012).
404. On the Search for Reliable Human Aging Models: Understanding Aging by Nuclear Reprogramming
Sancho-Martinez, I., Nivet, E. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Research and Perspectives in Neurosciences 20. (2013).
405. MicroRNA Regulation of Stem Cell Fate and Reprogramming
Vivas, E.L., Tiscornia, G. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
MicroRNAs in Medicine. (2013).
406. iPSC Disease Modeling of Laminopathies
Liu, G.-H., Yang, J., Ocampo, A., Qu, J., Suzuki, K. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Human iPS Cells in Disease Modelling. (2013).
407. Regenerative strategies in cardiovascular medicine
Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Atherosclerosis Update 2014, Tokyo, Japan. (2014).
408. Lineage Reprogramming Towards Kidney Regeneration
Xia, Y., Montserrat, N., Campistol, J.M. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Kidney Transplantation, Bioengineering and Regeneration. (2015) Elsevier.
409. iPSC Disease Modeling of Laminopathies
Liu, G.-H., Yang, J., Ding, Z., Ocampo, A., Qu, J., Suzuki, K. and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C.
Human iPS Cells in Disease Modeling. (2015) Springer.
Transplante de Organos y Células Madre: Realidad o Quimera ?
Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, California, USA
Cada año, decenas de miles de personas en el mundo pueden vivir gracias a un transplante de órgano. No obstante, aunque el conocimiento médico para la realización de transplantes ha aumentando exponencialmente, el número de personas donantes sigue siendo insuficiente. Una manera de resolver este problema es tratar de desarrollar estrategias para crecer órganos en el laboratorio. Durante la ultima década, y mediante diferentes condiciones de cultivo, se han podido obtener y mantener in vitro un variado espectro de células pluripotentes cuyas capacidades se asemejan a las células pluripotentes embrionarias. Las distintas características espacio-temporales de estas células en cultivo proporcionan unas herramientas sin precedentes para el estudio de la diferenciación celular y la formación de tejidos y órganos durante el desarrollo embrionario humano. El descubrimiento reciente sobre la capacidad de algunos tipos de células madre para traspasar barreras entre diferentes especies animales y formar tejidos y órganos quiméricos entre especies evolutivamente distantes, incluyendo humanos, junto al desarrollo de tecnologías para la eficiente edición del genoma en zigotos, puede abrir nuevas fronteras en la medicina regenerativa. Entre ellas, el descubrimiento de nuevos fármacos, una mejor comprensión de la enfermedad y la posibilidad, aunque aún lejana, de generar órganos humanos en animales aptos para su trasplante en humanos