Toma de Posesión como Académico Extranjero del Ilmo. Sr. D. Alain Li Wan Po
Categoría: Recepciones
jueves , 23 de febrero de 2017
El pasado jueves 23 de febrero de 2017 a las 19,00 horas, la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia celebró la Toma de Posesión como Académico Extranjero del Prof. Dr. Alain Li Wan Po, Director del Center for Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy.Nottingham,UK, quien pronunció su discurso titulado: “Clinical Pharmacy in genomic era” y fue presentado por el Académico de Número de la RANF, el Excmo. Sr. D. Alfonso Domínguez-Gil Hurlé.
Doctor en Farmacia por la Universidad de Londres.Profesor en las Universidades de Nottingham y Aston.Director de la Escuela de Farmacia en la Universidad de Queens en Belfast.Miembro del Comité de Seguridad de Medicamentos del Reino Unido.Autor de varios libros sobre Medicina Genomica. Editor de la Revista Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. Director del Center for Evidence-Based Pharmacotherpy en la Universidad de Nottingham.Autor de más de 200 publicaciones sobre farmacogenetica, farmacogenomica, meta-análisis, etc.Profesor en el Master de la Universidad de Salamanca sobre “Evaluación y desarrollo de medicamentos”
Clinical Pharmacy in the Genomic Era
Over a century ago Gregor Mendel investigated, quantitatively, how physical traits of plants were passed on from one generation to the next. Soon after, William Bateson and Archibald Garrod showed the relevance of Mendel’s findings to human disease.
Pharmacists have throughout history marketed themselves as experts who could treat disease with specific medicines. Their claims were however poorly validated until Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch established the microbial aetiology of many diseases. Effective antimicrobial agents and immunotherapies soon became available for an expanding range of infections, and personalisation of treatment became possible through sensitivity testing. Later, a greater understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of non-microbial diseases led to the development of effective drugs, such as antihypertensives and anticoagulants. As a result, current pharmacopoeias bear no resemblance to their predecessors cluttered with predominantly useless drugs.
With the unravelling of the double helical structure of DNA and greater understanding of its implications for health and disease, pharmacopoeias are being rewritten again. The new drugs enable an unprecedented level of individualisation of therapy. To optimise the promise of these drugs, input from a new generation of well-informed clinical pharmacists is needed.
In this presentation we identify some of these developments, and where input from pharmacists is most likely to be required. Will clinical pharmacists deliver?